Minecraft Ores

Best Level to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 (2024)

With the release of the Trails & Tales update, the best Minecraft SMP servers are beaming with hundreds of players. Amidst this bustling community, every gamer yearns to dominate the server, and the key to their success lies in obtaining diamonds. But fear not, for we are here to guide you on this exhilarating journey. Join us and discover the best level to find diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 along with a brand new method of obtaining diamonds. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure!

Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 (2024)

Our guide goes over the best spawn level for diamonds along with amazing techniques to find them in Minecraft. Explore it thoroughly to get as many diamonds as you can in 2023.

On What Level Diamonds Spawn in Minecraft 1.20

The ore blocks of diamonds in Minecraft are quite rare and you have to be extremely careful while looking for them. These precious blocks tend to spawn below the world height of Y=16, so you'll need to dig deep to uncover them. Remember, the deeper you venture, the more abundant diamonds become.

One key level to keep in mind is Y=-64, which marks the deepest point in the game and is commonly referred to as the Bedrock level. However, most players prefer to search for them around the Y=-58 and Y=-59 as this area isn't affected by the unbreakable Bedrock blocks.

Find Deepslate Diamond Ore

In Minecraft 1.20.2, the developers made a significant change to diamond ore generation, aiming to make diamonds easier to find. Thanks to them, diamond now generates more frequently within the deepslate layers, which generate below Y=0.

So, your best chance at finding diamonds in Minecraft, without having them replaced by Bedrock, is to explore close to Y=-60. The depth is ideal for deepslate ores and you have lower chances of stumbling upon lava or Bedrock.

How to Mine Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20

Follow these simple steps to find and mine diamonds in Minecraft 1.20:

1. First, combine two sticks with three wooden planks to craft a wooden pickaxe. You can use any wood in the game including the new bamboo wood of Minecraft 1.20.

2. Use your wooden pickaxe to mine stone blocks and obtain cobblestones. Then, combine three cobblestone blocks with two sticks to craft a stone pickaxe.

3. Next, use the stone pickaxe to mine some iron ore blocks. You can use our Minecraft 1.20 ore distribution guide to locate them in no time.

4. Once you have collected enough raw iron, smelt it inside a furnace to get iron ingots. You can use any residual planks as the fuel for powering the furnace.

5. Then, combine three iron ingots with two sticks to craft an iron pickaxe.

6. Then go underground or into the caves of the overworld and search for diamond ore blocks. They are extremely rare and generate most commonly on level Y=-64.

7. Finally, use your iron pickaxe to mine diamond ore blocks and collect as many diamonds as you want.

How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft - Best Techniques

Now that you know the best level to find diamonds in Minecraft, let's delve into some tried-and-true techniques to maximize your reward.

Strip Mining

Strip mining in Minecraft refers to clearing out areas to make horizontal strips in the ground near diamond levels. While being tiresome, this method helps you collect diamonds without losing on other useful blocks and minerals in the area.

Furthermore, you can rely upon this method to create an underground base during your search for diamonds in Minecraft 1.20. Such a base would not only be safe from overground mobs but will also keep you close to other in-game ores.

Cave Mining

The amazing cave system of Minecraft is common news to all players at this point. You can take advantage of these cave biomes to conveniently locate diamonds without extensive mining. But, keep a shield handy to defend yourself against hostile mobs that inhabit the area.

In addition, crafting a Potion of Night Vision in Minecraft can greatly enhance your visibility in dark caves. It allows you to see clearly even in the absence of light. However, it's worth noting that using certain Minecraft texture packs specifically designed for ore hunting can provide an even better experience.

TNT Mining

If you don't want to spend hours digging out your world, some explosions can speed up the process. You can make TNT in Minecraft and use it to get rid of huge groups of blocks at once. Doing so allows you to spot diamond ores without lowering the durability of your valuables pickaxe.

Branch Mining

This method involves creating multiple hallways around the best spawn level of diamonds (Y=-58 to Y=-59). With a gap of two blocks in each tunnel, you can create a grid pattern to maximize your chance of finding diamond veins. The main objective of branch mining is to systematically examine every block within a fixed area.

Other Ways to Obtain Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20

If mining doesn't go as planned, here are all the other methods to obtain diamonds in Minecraft 1.20.

Chest Loot

Diamonds can be found in the chests of the following structures in Minecraft:

  • Mineshaft
  • Buried Treasure
  • Trial Chamber
  • Desert Temple
  • Bastion Remnant
  • Stronghold
  • Shipwreck
  • Village (toolsmith and weaponsmith's huts only)
  • Nether Fortress
  • Jungle Temple
  • End City

Out of all these options, the buried treasure chest has the highest chance of generating a diamond in it. End Cities and Nether Fortress are your second and third-best options, respectively.

Suspicious sand

Thanks to the brand-new archaeological features of Minecraft 1.20 update, you can also find diamonds through excavation. They have a 1/7 chance to spawn inside the Suspicious Sand blocks of desert temples.

You can easily spot these blocks in the hallways of the temple and use a brush in Minecraft to uncover the diamonds. Even if you end up without this rare mineral, you will still have a chance to get a bunch of amazing pottery sherds.

Defeating Trials

If you want a renewable way to get diamonds in Minecraft, don't look beyond Trials Spawners. They are unique blocks that summon waves of hostile mobs inside the new Trail Chamber structure.

If you successfully defeat all the mobs these blocks spawn, they end up dropping unique loot including emeralds and diamonds. Furthermore, you can also get blocks of diamonds inside some chests of this structure. So, if mining doesn't go your way, make sure to learn how to find Trial Chambers in Minecraft 1.21.

Uses of Diamond in Minecraft

You can use diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 in the following ways:

  • Craft diamond blocks, tools, weapons, and armor pieces
  • Decorate different armor pieces using armor trims
  • Make functional blocks like Enchantment Table, and jukebox
  • Build different kinds of fireworks stars with and without patterns
  • Duplicate smithing templates and trims
  • Trade with armorers, toolsmiths, and weaponsmith villagers
  • Power a beacon

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the best Y level for diamonds?

The world height of Y=-59 is best to find diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 update. At this level, diamonds spawn in abundance but don't get obstructed by the indestructible Bedrock blocks.

Is Y level 12 still good for diamonds?

In the latest version of Minecraft, you need to dig into the negative height levels to find reliable veins of diamonds. Level 12 is only useful in version 1.16 and earlier.

Can diamonds be mined with gold?

You can mine diamond ore blocks with iron, gold, diamond, and Netherite pickaxe. They don't drop anything when mined with wooden or stone pickaxes.

Explore the Best Level to Find Diamonds in Minecraft in 2023

Whether you want to make a deadly diamond sword or an entire house of blue gems, our guide is here to help. However, it's important to note that diamonds are not the strongest mineral in the game. To acquire access to the most powerful tools and armor, you'll need to locate Netherite in Minecraft 1.20. Later, you can use a Smithing Table to upgrade your diamond gear to Netherite. Having said that, do you have any tips on finding diamonds? Feel free to drop them on the Discord server and meet other explorers like yourself! 

Udayveer Singh

Udayveer Singh is a contributor to our news feed here at Servers-Minecraft and is passionate about all things Minecraft!