Building Blocks

How to Make a Door in Minecraft - Simple Guide

Even though they are the first thing you see while exploring a house, most players take doors for granted. But, when used wisely they not only protect your base but also make it look its best. Keeping that in mind, let’s learn how to make a door in Minecraft and take it to its fullest!

How to Make a Door in Minecraft (2024)

Note: The copper doors in our guide are still an experimental feature of the Minecraft 1.21 update. Their design and mechanics are subject to change. 

What is a Door in Minecraft

Doors are toggable building blocks in Minecraft. They act as a barrier that temporarily prevents entities from passing through them. You can use doors to create entrances, traps, decorations, creative barriers, and a lot more.

Types of Doors in Minecraft

In terms of the material they are made up of, there are 16 types of doors in Minecraft. Here's the complete list:

  • Acacia Door
  • Bamboo Door
  • Birch Door
  • Cherry Door
  • Crimson Door
  • Dark Oak Door
  • Jungle Door
  • Mangrove Door
  • Oak Door
  • Spruce Door
  • Warped Door
  • Iron Door*
  • Copper Door*
  • Exposed Copper Door*
  • Weathered Copper Door*
  • Oxidized Copper Door*

*Metallic Doors with special properties and unique crafting recipe

Trapdoors vs Doors

When you separate doors in terms of size and design, we get two options:

  • Trapdoors: Smaller doors that are one block wide and one block tall. You can place them in standing and resting positions. They have all the same types as regular doors including wooden, iron, and copper trapdoors.
  • Regular Doors: Rectangular doors that are two blocks tall and one block wide. You can only place them vertically and in the standing position.

Where Do Doors Spawn

Doors are some of the most common building blocks in the overworld dimension. You can find them in a variety of structures including

Keep in mind that bamboo, birch, mangrove, cherry, crimson, and warped doors don't spawn in Minecraft. You can only get them by learning how to make a door in Minecraft. This is because these variants made it into the game after villages which are the best source of doors in Minecraft.

Steps to Make a Door in Minecraft

All you need are 6 planks and a crafting table or crafter to make wooden doors in Minecraft. Plus, you can use any wooden planks as long as they are of the same type

Follow these steps to make a wooden door in Minecraft:

1. If you want regular planks, break down a tree in the overworld and place its blocks in the crafting grid. Each wood block gives out 4 planks.

2. In the case of bamboo wood, you need to first create a bamboo wood using 9 bamboo. Then, you can turn that block into planks using the crafting grid.

3. Alternatively, you can break fungi stems in the Nether to collect crimson or warped wood. Any door made from Nether wood is fireproof and has higher blast resistance than overworld wooden doors.

4. Once you have the planks, fill any two adjacent columns of the 3*3 crafting grid. As long as all the planks are of the same type of wood, your door will be instantly ready!

Who Can Open Doors in Minecraft

Several entities in Minecraft can manually open a door in Minecraft. These include:

  • Players
  • Villagers
  • Wandering Traders‌ (Bedrock only)
  • Vindicators‌ (Java only)
  • Piglins

Furthermore, in hard difficulty, zombies, husks, and Vindicators can break down wooden doors. This makes them quite vulnerable to attacks on the best Minecraft SMP servers.

Make an Iron Door

If you don't want other mobs to open or break down your doors, it's time to change its material. That's where iron doors come into the picture. Unlike wooden doors, iron doors only open when they receive a Redstone signal. Furthermore, all iron doors are highly resistant to blasts and are completely fireproof.

Here's how to make iron doors:

1. First, use our Minecraft ore distribution guide to find and mine iron ore blocks.

2. Then, smelt raw iron inside a furnace or blast furnace to turn it into iron ingots. You need 6 ingots for an iron door.

3. Finally, fill two columns of the 3x3 crating grid with iron ingots to make an iron door in Minecraft. This recipe is similar to the one for wooden doors but relies upon ingots rather than planks.

Copper Doors

A gift from the Minecraft 1.21 update, copper doors bring variety to the table. There are four variants of these blocks, each with a different color based on its oxidation level. But all variants of copper doors have the same design.

This makes them perfect for adding contrast to your builds without straying away from the main theme. Moreover, unlike wooden doors, you don't need to use Redstone signals to open them. Still, they are completely inaccessible to other mobs.

You can use our guide on how to make copper doors in Minecraft. From finding copper to turning it into blocks, it covers everything you need to know. It even covers the process to easily change and stop the oxidation of copper doors.

How to Open a Door in Minecraft

Opening copper and wooden doors in Minecraft is a simple task. All you have to do is walk up to a door and right-click on it. The same mechanic also allows you to close the door.

But, as an alternate, you can also send Redstone signals to operate your doors. In the case of an iron door, Redstone signals are the only way to open or close a door. You cannot interact with them directly.

Redstone Components to Activate Doors

Here are all the items you can use to open or close a door in Minecraft:

Similar to copper bulbs in Minecraft, the doors maintain their state even when you take away the Redstone signal. So, you need separate signals to open and close doors in your world. Just removing the Redstone single isn't enough to undo the original action.

Bonus: How to Make Trapdoor in Minecraft

Now that you know how to make trapdoors in Minecraft, let's focus on their smaller alternative. Whether you want to make a copper or wooden trapdoor, the ingredients are the same as a regular door. It's only the recipe that changes.

Instead of columns, you need to fill any two adjacent rows of the crafting grid with planks or blocks. Furthermore, the recipe gives out two trapdoors instead of one regular door.

Iron Trapdoor

The story of iron trapdoors is slightly different. Instead of six, its crafting recipe only requires four iron ingots. Simply place the iron ingots in a square format next to one another and your trapdoor is ready.

You can even use this recipe in the 2*2 grid of your inventory. As you might expect, it only results in a single iron trapdoor. Plus, you still need a Redstone signal to open or close it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can't I place a door in Minecraft?

You can only place doors on top of other solid blocks. There is no way to place doors on liquids like water or lava.

How do you make a floor door in Minecraft?

You can place trapdoors on the floor to create underground entrances.

How do you make a golden door in Minecraft?

Unfortunately, there are no golden doors in Minecraft. But, you can use the best Minecraft furniture mods to add golden and even other variants of doors to the game.

Is there a secret door in Minecraft?

There are a variety of ways to make secret doors in Minecraft. You can use sticky pistons with stones, chiseled bookshelves, and other solid blocks to make them. Though, if you want something easier, paintings are a great way to hide doorways.

Make and Use Doors in Minecraft

Now that you are familiar with doors in Minecraft, it’s time to start building your base. The new copper blocks are a perfect addition to most designs. But, if you want something unique then going for clay in Minecraft would be much better. With that said, which type of door are you building? Drop your picks on our Minecraft Discord server!

Udayveer Singh

Udayveer Singh is a contributor to our news feed here at Servers-Minecraft and is passionate about all things Minecraft!