Minecraft 1.20
Chiseled Bookshelf

How to Make a Chiseled Bookshelf in Minecraft 1.20

The books in Minecraft finally have a home of their own and it's going to change how you play the game. Up until Minecraft 1.20, the bookshelves in the game were purely decorative and occasionally helps in enchantments. But now, thanks to chiseled bookshelves, you can store your bookish items on shelves, and interact with them more freely. Moreover, while doing so, you can also upgrade a bunch of other in-game mechanics in a unique way. But before all of that, let's jump in and learn how to make a chiseled bookshelf in Minecraft 1.20!

How to Make a Chiseled Bookshelf in Minecraft

Our guide covers everything you need to know about a Chiseled Bookshelf in Minecraft. You can explore all of its segments to understand its crafting and other mechanics.

What is a Chiseled Bookshelf

The chiseled bookshelves are a brand-new storage block in Minecraft. These exquisite shelves are designed specifically for bookish items, providing a stylish and functional solution for your library. With a sleek design, they are a perfect addition to bases of all kinds.

Unlike bundles and chests, they don't have a dedicated UI. Instead, they redefine convenience and immersion by allowing people to directly place and pick books onto the shelves.

How Is It Different from a Regular Bookshelf

While both bookshelves look quite similar, they are fundamentally very contrasting to one another. Here are the major differences between the two:

  • Storage: Only the chiseled bookshelves can store bookish items in themselves.
  • Enchanting: The regular bookshelves help you level up the Enchanting Table in Minecraft and unlock a bunch of high-level enchantments. However, the chiseled bookshelves have no such effect.
  • Redstone: Thanks to their storage capabilities, the chiseled bookshelves can send Redstone signals based on their capacity.

Items Required to Make a Chiseled Bookshelf

You only need the following basic items to craft a chiseled bookshelf in Minecraft:

  • 9 Wood Planks (including 3 to make slabs)
  • 3 Wood Slabs

You can use any type of wooden plank to create a chiseled bookshelf. But to get the planks, you first need to get a stem, wood, or log block of that wood type and place it inside the crafting grid. This also applies to the new bamboo wood in Minecraft, which requires you to use a block of bamboo to get planks.

How to Make Slabs in Minecraft

Once you have obtained planks, you can easily turn them into slabs for your requirements. To do so, you just have to fill up an entire row of the crafting grid by placing three planks right next to each other. Doing so will result in six slabs and you only need 3 of them to make a chiseled bookshelf in Minecraft.

Crafting Recipe of Chiseled Bookshelf in Minecraft

After collecting all the key ingredients, follow these simple steps to create a chiseled bookshelf in Minecraft:

1. To begin, right-click on a crafting table to open it.

2. Then, place three slabs and completely fill up the second row of the crafting grid.

3. Finally, fill up the remaining slots of the crafting grid with wooden planks. You can use any planks in the recipe and they don't even have to be made of the same wood. As soon as you place the last plank, you will have a chiseled bookshelf in Minecraft.

Uses of Chiseled Bookshelf

The chiseled bookshelves can be used for the following purposes in Minecraft:

  • Storage: A chiseled bookshelf can store up to six books, books and quills, and/or enchanted books. You can just walk up to the bookshelf while holding the item and place it right on the shelf.
  • Redstone Signals: As you fill up the chiseled bookshelf, it releases Redstone signals that can be detected by a comparator and power Redstone blocks.
  • Hopper/Dropper Interaction: The chiseled bookshelves in Minecraft can naturally interact with hoppers and droppers for moving items. This allows you to position the bookshelf in automatic doors and Redstone machines.
  • Decoration: Much-like regular bookshelves in Minecraft, you can use this new item to decorate your base. Thanks to their unique tiled texture, many players even use chiseled bookshelves to create the floor or roof of their house.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does chiseled bookshelf work with Enchanting Tables?

Only the regular bookshelves help the Enchanting Tables in leveling up.

What does a chiseled bookshelf do?

The chiseled bookshelf helps you store bookish items in Minecraft. Each block can hold up to six books at one time.

Can you make a chiseled bookshelf using cherry wood?

You can visit the cherry grove in Minecraft and use the exclusive cherry wood to craft regular and chiseled bookshelves.

Make and Use Chiseled Bookshelves in Minecraft

With that, you are now ready to upgrade your bases and storage systems in the best Minecraft survival servers. And remember, chiseled bookshelves are just the tip of the iceberg in this incredible update. Alongside the beautiful bookshelves, you can also unlock ancient plants with the help of Sniffer in Minecraft to beautify your base. But in the end, it all comes down to your creative choices. We invite you to share your ideas and inspiration on our vibrant Discord server. Join the community, exchange thoughts, and let your imagination run wild!

Udayveer Singh

Udayveer Singh is a contributor to our news feed here at Servers-Minecraft and is passionate about all things Minecraft!