Minecraft Ores

How to Get Copper in Minecraft (3 Methods)

Copper is one of the most versatile metals in Minecraft. It not only gives you access to a variety of amazing tools but also unlocks vibrant building blocks. Plus, with Minecraft 1.21 servers already in process, it’s going to be even more in demand. Yet, most players struggle when it comes to finding copper in their world. So, join us and learn how to get copper in Minecraft with the easiest methods. 

Copper in Minecraft (2023)

Our guide goes over the basics, spawn locations, and uses of copper in Minecraft. Make sure to explore all the sections to learn everything you need to know about this brown metal. 

What is Copper in Minecraft

Copper is one of the many minerals in Minecraft that you can use to craft a variety of items and blocks. But, unlike other materials, such as diamonds, you cannot create tools or weapons from copper. Instead, its purpose lies in creating niche items that can uplift your gameplay experience. But, more on that later. For now, let's focus on how to get copper in Minecraft to ensure you never run out of this brown mineral.

How to Get Copper in Minecraft

There are five main ways to get Copper in Minecraft:

  • Mining Copper Ore
  • Mob Loot
  • Structure Loot

Let's go over each of these methods to find the one that suits your playstyle and needs.

Get Copper by Mining (Method 1)

Mining is one of the most reliable ways to get any metal in Minecraft including copper. But, that's only possible if you know where to look and how to mine the copper ore block.

Best Y Level to Find Copper

As per Minecraft 1.20 ore distribution, copper ores spawn between the world height of between Y=112 and above Y=-16. Even though it has such a wide range for spawning, it is still one of the rarest ores in the game.

Its spawn rate increases at the level of Y=48. Furthermore, the amount of copper ore blocks increases significantly in the dripstone caves biome. So, your best option is to jump on the best Minecraft cave seeds and dig deeper.

How to Mine Copper

Follow these simple steps to mine and get copper in Minecraft:

1. First, use three cobblestone blocks and two sticks to make a stone pickaxe in Minecraft. If you mine copper ore with a wooden pickaxe or any other tool, it ends up dropping nothing.

2. Then, find a copper ore block and mine with a stone pickaxe or stronger. Every copper ore block drops 2-5 raw copper.

3. Next, use 8 cobblestone blocks to make a furnace in Minecraft.

4. Smelt the raw copper inside the furnace to turn it into copper ingots. Every piece of raw copper results in one copper ingot.

Rare Block of Raw Copper

Occasionally, you can also come across the extremely rare blocks of raw copper inside the caves of Minecraft. As the name suggests, this block is made up of nine pieces of raw copper and is extremely beneficial. You can only find it in the veins above the height of Y=0.

But, much like a regular ore block, you must use a stone pickaxe or stronger to mine it. After mining it, place this block inside the crafting grid to break it down into raw copper pieces. Then, smelt the raw copper in a furnace or blast furnace to get your copper ingots.

Get Copper by Killing Drowned (Method 2)

If you want to farm copper in Minecraft, Drowned is your only option. They are a variant of the zombie mobs and only spawn underwater. When you or your tamed wolf kills a Drowned, it has an 11% chance of dropping a copper ingot.

If you want to find the Drowned in your world, you only have two options:

  • Ocean Ruins: Drowned spawn in large groups near every ocean ruin structure in Minecraft. If you plan on visiting the ruins, make sure to not return without getting a Sniffer egg too.
  • Conversion: You can also turn a regular zombie or Husk into a Drowned by drowning their heads in water. The entire process only takes 30-45 seconds. But, it doesn't work with the zombie villagers.

Where Does Copper Blocks Spawn (Method 3)

You can find a variety of copper blocks inside the upcoming Trial Chambers structure. But, there is no way to change the state of these blocks or turn them into ingots. So, you have to use them in their existing form. While this may seem limiting, it can save you the copper ingots that would otherwise be required to craft these blocks from scratch.

Uses of Copper in Minecraft

Now that you know how to get copper in Minecraft, it's time to put it to use. It is one of the most versatile crafting ingredients in Minecraft. You can use copper to craft a bunch of unique blocks and items:

  • Block of Copper*
  • Cut Copper*
  • Copper Slabs*
  • Copper Stairs*
  • Spyglass
  • Brush
  • Lightning Rod

*These blocks have a bunch of variants including, waxed, exposed, oxidized, weathered, waxed exposed, waxed weathered, and waxed oxidized.

Other than crafting and decoration, you can also use copper to set the hue for trimming your armor. It fits well with some of the best armor trim combinations in Minecraft.

Missing Copper Blocks and Items

Over the years, Minecraft has added and removed a bunch of copper articles in various experiments. The list includes:

  • Copper Horn
  • Copper Sink
  • Spleveas
  • Copper Golem

Copper Family in Minecraft 1.21 Update

With the release of the Minecraft 1.21 update, the copper family is set to expand with a bunch of new blocks. The list includes:

  • Copper Door: Heavy metallic door that only opens with a Redstone signal.
  • Copper Trapdoor: Small one-block metallic door that requires a Redstone signal to open.
  • Chiseled Block of Copper: A variant of blocks of copper with a unique design. Each face features a small square surrounded by four triangles.
  • Copper Grate: Hollow blocks with seamless faces made up of chain-like designs.
  • Copper Bulb: A light block that gets dimmer due to oxidation. You can use an axe to make it shine brighter and a honeycomb to lock its luminosity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you trade for Copper in Minecraft?

Unfortunately, there is no option to trade copper with villagers, Piglins, or even the Wandering Traders. But, with the ongoing Minecraft Trade Rebalance, we might get copper trades in the next update.

What is the point of copper in Minecraft?

Copper opens up a world of crafting possibilities in Minecraft. It allows you to create various blocks, each with its own color and design variants.

How to change the color of copper blocks?

You can change the color of a copper block by weathering, oxidizing, exposing, and waxing them.

Find, Collect, and Use Copper in Minecraft

Now that you have unlimited access to copper, it’s time to use it and the best Minecraft barn ideas are the perfect place to start. The versatility of copper knows no bounds, and the only limit is your imagination. So, how do you plan to incorporate copper into your builds? Share your unique ideas and explore blueprints from creative builders on our Discord server!

Udayveer Singh

Udayveer Singh is a contributor to our news feed here at Servers-Minecraft and is passionate about all things Minecraft!