Minecraft Basics

How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft

Honeycomb in Minecraft is more than just a product of our fuzzy bee friends. This versatile resource is essential for crafting blocks, candles and modifying block states. 

While getting it can be tricky, especially on the best Minecraft survival servers where players compete for resources, our guide will show you all the tricks to grab that sweet honeycomb fast

Follow our complete guide to master everything about getting honeycombs in Minecraft - from finding them to using them. Each section has tips and tricks you won't want to miss!"

What You'll Learn 🐝

  • How to locate and harvest honey in Minecraft
  • Essential tools needed for your Minecraft bee farm
  • Obtain honeycomb safely without getting stung
  • Crafting recipes using honeycomb blocks
  • Best Minecraft biomes for finding bee nests

What is Honeycomb in Minecraft

Honeycombs are a special item in Minecraft that is a great crafting ingredient and a tool for transforming some blocks. It doesn't drop as a mob loot. You have to harvest honeycombs from beehives or bee nests making it almost as rare as all the ancient plants of the Sniffer.

Where Do Honeycomb Spawn

You can only find honeycombs within the Trial Chambers in Minecraft 1.21. They spawn inside the intersection and corridor chests of the structure. At times, you can also find them inside the barrels within the same. 

Items Required to Collect Honeycomb

 To collect honeycomb in Minecraft, you'll need:

  • Shears - Craft these with 2 iron ingots placed diagonally on your crafting table
  • Campfire - Combine 3 sticks, 3 logs, and 1 coal (any wood type works, even bamboo wood)
  • A bee nest with active bees nearby
  • At least one bee to make the honey

Bees will gradually increase the nest's honey level over time - you'll know it's at maximum when honey drips from the sides. But don't try grabbing that honeycomb without a campfire! Place it under the nest, and the smoke will keep the bees inside calm while you harvest.

💡Pro tip: Use our ore distribution guide to learn how to find iron ore to craft your shears. Smelt the raw iron inside a furnace to turn it into an iron ingot.

Finding Bee Nests in Minecraft

Bee nests spawn naturally in these biomes:

  • Cherry Grove (100% spawn rate)
  • Meadow (100% spawn rate)
  • Birch Forest
  • Flower Forest
  • Mangrove Swamp
  • Plains
  • Sunflower Plains

💡Pro tip: Head to Cherry Grove or Meadow biomes for guaranteed nest spawns! Check out our list of the best Minecraft Cherry Grove seeds to find these biomes quickly.

🐝Fun fact: While bees can use both nests and beehives, you'll only find nests in the wild. Ironically, you'll need honeycomb to craft a beehive in the first place!

How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft

Once you have collected all the important items, follow these steps to learn how to get honeycomb in Minecraft:

1. Look for a filled bee nest leaking honey from its holes. If the nest isn't filled, wait for the bees to finish filling it up.

2. Place the campfire on the ground right beneath the bee nest. The smoke from the campfire will start going through the bee nest, preventing bees from turning hostile.

3. Right-click or press your secondary action key to use shears on the smoked bee nest and collect your honeycomb. You don't have to worry about the bees' attack as long as you don't break their home.

Uses of a Honeycomb in Minecraft

The honeycomb is the ultimate transformation and crafting ingredient in the game. Once you collect it, you can use the honeycomb in the following ways:

  • Beehives: Six wooden planks + three honeycombs
  • Candles: String + honeycomb
  • Honeycomb Block: four honeycombs
  • Waxing signs and hanging signs to prevent anyone from making changes to them (Minecraft 1.20 or later).
  • To wax copper blocks to stop them from oxidation.

💡 Top Tip: Since honeycomb disappears after one use, build a bee farm to keep your supply stocked! Whether you're crafting or waxing blocks, you'll need more than you think.

Honeycomb in Minecraft FAQs

How do you keep honeycomb in Minecraft?

You must use the silk touch enchantment to pick up, keep, and move the nest while keeping the honeycomb in it.

Do honeycomb blocks attract bees?

Honeycomb doesn't attract bees. But you can place empty beehives or bee nests to invite bees to create a home inside them.

What do Minecraft bees eat?

Bees don't particularly eat anything in Minecraft. Though you can use flowers to attract them, heal them, and even breed them.

Get and Use Honeycomb in Minecraft

Collecting honeycomb can be an adventure, but don't worry about those angry bees! You can create a shield in Minecraft for protection from getting stung. Alternatively, create a saddle for a quick getaway if things get buzzy.

 Once you've mastered the art of honeycomb harvesting, you'll unlock a world of possibilities - from wax copper blocks to decorative candles.

 Have some creative ideas for using honeycomb? Join the conversation on our Discord server, and let's figure out how to use Honeycomb creatively together!

Udayveer Singh

Udayveer Singh is a contributor to our news feed here at Servers-Minecraft and is passionate about all things Minecraft!