Minecraft Mobs

How to Tame a Wolf in Minecraft - Easy Guide

Whether you're out hunting mobs or exploring the world, Minecraft can get a little lonely at times. But, if all your friends from the best Minecraft servers are busy, it's time to make a new friend – a wolf. You can learn how to tame a wolf in Minecraft to have a constant canine companion on your adventures. These wolves not only keep you company but also help you take down enemies. Here's how to find and befriend them!

How to Tame a Wolf in Minecraft

Wolves are neutral mobs in Minecraft that can help you in a variety of in-game fights. Unlike Iron Golems, they can move at a fast pace and you can even make an army of wolves. But, let's not get ahead of ourselves and first learn how to tame a wolf in Minecraft.

Where to Find Wolves in Minecraft

Wolves only spawn in the overworld dimension of Minecraft. You can find them in the following biomes:

  • Forest
  • Taiga
  • Cherry Grove
  • Grove
  • Old Growth Taiga
  • Snowy Taiga

They generally spawn in a pack of 4 and each has a 10% chance of spawning as a pup (baby wolf). Since wolves are neutral mobs, you don't need to fear while approaching them. But, if you hit one wolf, its entire pack will try to hunt you down.

Tamed and Wild Wolves

Just like real-life dogs, you can tame wolves in Minecraft with a little patience and some food. Once tamed, these wolves become completely passive towards their owner and attack anyone that the player attacks. Thanks to this mechanic, you can a pack of wolves to take down mobs and even other players.

But, it's important to keep in mind that wolves don't attack creepers, ghasts, tamed cats, and tamed horses. On the other hand, they immediately attack sheep, rabbits, foxes, baby turtles, and skeletons on sight.

How to Get Bones in Minecraft

To tame a wolf in Minecraft, you'll need to feed it some bones. Each bone you use has a 1/3 chance of successfully taming the wolf. So, it's best to have 3-5 bones in your inventory for each wolf you want to tame. Here are the best ways to get bones in Minecraft:

  • Skeletons: You can get up to 2 bones by killing skeletons, Wither skeletons, and skeleton horses in Minecraft. Out of these, skeletons are your best option as they spawn in all biomes of the overworld at night.
  • Stray: If you are playing on the best Minecraft snow biome seeds, you can kill strays to get up to 2 bones. They are a variant of the skeletons that fire tipped arrows of Slowness.
  • Chests: You can find chests inside the chests of dungeons, ancient cities, desert temples, jungle temples, and mansions in Minecraft.
  • Fishes: If you are exploring the oceans of Minecraft, you can also get bones by killing salmon, cod, pufferfish, and tropical fish. They have a 25% chance of dropping bones but this mechanic only works in the Bedrock edition.

How to Tame a Wolf in Minecraft

Once you have some bones, it's time to tame a wolf in Minecraft. Follow these simple steps to learn how:

1. First, explore the forest or mountains of Minecraft and search for a pack of wolves. Make sure there are no mobs that can trigger the wolves and make them angry. While doing so, also try not to hit any of the wolves. When a wolf is angry it becomes impossible to tame it.

2. Then, hold the bone in your active hand and start using it (by right-clicking) on the wolf. It usually takes one or two bones to tame a wolf in Minecraft. This mechanic only works with bones and not bone meal.

3. Once a wolf is tamed, a red collar will show up around its neck. You can later dye the collar and use a name tag to make it easier to identify your wolf.

How to Tame a Dog in Minecraft

Unfortunately, there are no actual dogs in Minecraft, and the closest alternative you have to them is the wolves. But, you can use some of the best Minecraft texture packs to make the wolves resemble dogs. This is a great solution to a bit of variety for your loyal canine companions.

How to Breed Wolves in Minecraft

While one wolf is enough to keep an eye out for hostile mobs, it cannot help you take down a swarm of them. Moreover, if you want to travel to the Nether dimension, your loyal friend might get overwhelmed in no time.

That's why it's best to tame a pack of wolves to accompany you on adventures. Fortunately, you don't need more bones to get the job done.

What Do Wolves Eat in Minecraft

You can feed any type of meat to wolves in Minecraft. The list includes:

  • Cod
  • Salmon
  • Pufferfish
  • Tropical Fish
  • Chicken
  • Porkchop
  • Beef
  • Rabbit
  • Steak
  • Rotten Flesh
  • Mutton
  • Rabbit Stew

Giving food to wolves restores their health and also triggers their breeding stage. Plus, unlike players, the wolves don't get food poisoning in Minecraft. So, they are the best way to get rid of all the rotten flesh in your inventory.

Steps to Breed Wolves

Repeat these easy steps and create your army of wolves in no time:

1. First, find and tame two wolves by feeding them bones.

2. Then, bring the wolves close to each other and feed them any type of meat. Wolves only breed when their health is at full HP. So, you might have to feed them more than a single piece of meat to start the breeding process.

3. Once your wolves are fully healed, feeding them meat will trigger the breeding process. Then, a baby wolf will spawn, which takes around one to two in-game days to grow into an adult wolf.

4. If the wolves you breed are already tamed, the new wolf they spawn will automatically grow up to be a tamed wolf. So, you don't have to use bones on the new wolf.

Bonus: How to Dye Wolves in Minecraft

As you might know at this point, tamed wolves have a colored collar around their neck. You can change the color of these collars using dye to make your wolves easier to recognize. But, you still need to get extremely close to your pets to identify them.

On the Bedrock edition, the game allows you to make wolves much easier to differentiate. With little trickery, you can die entire wolves, making them more distinctive. But, this glitch only works in the versions before 1.19.2.

Follow these steps to learn how:

1. First, turn on cheats in your world to spawn the glitched wolves. You can find the toggle to turn on cheats within the "World Settings" in the pause menu.

2. Then, use the following command to spawn a glitched red wolf in Minecraft:

/summon wolf ~ ~ ~ minecraft:on_tame

3. Unlike a regular wolf, you cannot tame this wolf as soon as it spawns. Instead, you need to wait for it to become hostile towards a mob (like Skeleton) and then, quickly feed it bones.

4. After taming the glitched wolf, you can use dye on it to change its color. The mechanic works just like dying a sheep in Minecraft.

Find and Tame a Wolf in Minecraft

While wolves make great companions, they aren't the only friends you can make in Minecraft. If you know how to get Allays in Minecraft, they can help you collect items. Furthermore, you can also get a camel to make your traveling safer and faster. Meanwhile, mobs like Iron Golem can keep your base safe while you are away. Having said that, do you think it’s about time Minecraft adds dogs to the game? Share your thoughts on which dog breeds you'd like to see in the game on our Discord server!

Udayveer Singh

Udayveer Singh is a contributor to our news feed here at Servers-Minecraft and is passionate about all things Minecraft!