Minecraft Blocks
Copper Doors

How to Make Copper Doors in Minecraft (2024)

Picking the right door for your dream house in Minecraft is an important choice. It should seamlessly blend with the design, provide security, and offer versatility. While many doors have their merits, copper doors are the only ones that offer all features. They can change color, have the strength of iron, and come with a distinctive design, perfect for every build. So, why wait? Let's explore how to craft copper doors in Minecraft!

How to Make Copper Doors in Minecraft (2024)

Note: Our guide covers experimental copper blocks from the Minecraft 1.21 update. All of their mechanics, names, and designs are subject to change in the final release.

What is Copper Door in Minecraft

As its name reveals, the copper door is a variant of doors in Minecraft. It is made of copper and, like standard copper blocks, goes through oxidation. In terms of appearance, the door has a large X-shaped window in its upper section.

Meanwhile, the bottom half of the copper door has a solid section that features a black handle. Its unique design makes it a perfect fit for all types of retro builds and popular Minecraft barn ideas.

What Do You Need to Craft Copper Doors

You need to get the following items to make copper doors in Minecraft:

  • 6 Blocks of Copper
  • 54 Copper Ingots (for blocks)
  • Crafting Table

You can use copper blocks at different stages of oxidation to make copper doors. But, since you can change the copper door's type after crafting it too, it's best to stick with regular copper blocks. Furthermore, they are also the easiest to get.

How to Get Copper in Minecraft

When you combine nine copper ingots to craft them into a block of copper. Since we need 6 blocks of copper, you must get 54 copper ingots to craft them. So, let's quickly go over three of the best ways to get copper in Minecraft:

  • Mob Loot: Drowned are the only mobs in Minecraft that drop copper ingots upon dying. You can easily find them near ocean ruin structures, which are also the spot where Sniffer egg spawns. Alternatively, you can also drown regular zombies or Husks, to turn them into Drowned.
  • Mining: As per Minecraft 1.20 ore distribution, copper ore generates more commonly at the world height of Y=48. You can use a stone pickaxe or stronger to mine this ore.
  • Trial Chamber: The copper blocks generate naturally within the Trial Chambers in Minecraft 1.21. You can find them within rooms where hostile mobs like the Breeze spawn.

Crafting Recipe of Copper Door in Minecraft

Once you have all the items you need, it's really easy to make copper doors in Minecraft. Simply fill any two adjacent columns of a 3x3 crafting grid with copper blocks. You can use this recipe either in the first two or the last two columns.

This recipe gives out three copper doors with the same oxidation stage as the copper blocks. But, make sure that the copper blocks you are using are in the same stage of oxidation.

How to Use Copper Doors

Even though they are made out of metal, the copper doors in Minecraft work just like wooden doors. You can open them in the following ways:

  • Using right-click or secondary action key on the copper door
  • Activating a Redstone item like a button, lever, pressure plate, Redstone torch, and more
  • Sending a Redstone signal by changing the state of items like target blocks, decorated pots, or chiseled bookshelves

Types of Copper Doors in Minecraft

Based on the oxidation state, you can divide copper doors into four main types:

  • Copper Door: Orange in color, with no oxidation at all.
  • Exposed: Brown copper door with green spots on its surface. This is the first stage of oxidation.
  • Weathered: Mostly green copper door with small brown spots on the surface.
  • Oxidized: Completely green copper door with no spots on its surface and a clean design. This is the final source of the oxidation of copper.

How to Oxidise Copper

Oxidation of copper in Minecraft completely relies on random tick speed. So, you cannot use any item to speed up or slow down the process. Instead, everything comes down to the placement and grouping of copper doors. In the Java edition, a group of copper blocks oxidize faster than individual copper blocks.

In terms of the chances of oxidation, copper changes its state almost every 20 minutes, which happens to be the length of a Minecraft day. So, the best option is to place multiple copper doors close to one another and wait for 4 in-game days to completely oxidize them.

Wax Doors to Lock Their Type

Once a door is completely oxidized, it stays in that form permanently. But, if you want to have other types of copper doors for your build, it's time to wax them. When you wax a copper block, its oxidation stops and the door doesn't get oxidized over time.

Follow these steps to learn how to wax copper doors in Minecraft:

1. First, search for a bee nest in your world. They commonly spawn in flowering biomes, which makes Minecraft Cherry Grove seeds a great fit.

2. Then, make a campfire in Minecraft using three sticks, three logs, and a piece of coal.

3. Next, place your campfire beneath the bee nest and let some smoke collect over the nest. This smoke calms down bees and prevents them from attacking you.

4. Then, combine two iron ingots to make shears. You can use our guide on how to find iron in Minecraft to get the ingots in no time.

5. Finally, use shears on a smoked bee nest to collect honeycomb. If you face any trouble, our dedicated guide on how to get honeycomb in Minecraft can help you out.

6. To wax a copper door in Minecraft, you just need to use a honeycomb on it. When you do, yellow waxing particles appear and then the oxidation stage of the door gets locked.

Frequently Asked Questions

What could the copper trapdoor and copper door be used for?

You can use copper doors to make versatile entrances for your base that change over time.

How to make copper trapdoors?

Fill any two adjacent rows of the 3x3 crafting grid with copper blocks to turn them into trapdoors. This recipe gives out three copper trapdoors.

Do you need Redstone to open a copper door?

Unlike iron doors in Minecraft, you do not need Redstone signals to open copper doors. You can simply right-click on the copper doors to open them.

Make and Use Copper Doors in Minecraft

With a copper door on the entrance, you are ready to invite your friends over on Minecraft 1.21 servers. Since you're incorporating copper into your design, why not go the extra mile with copper bulbs? They are the only light source in Minecraft that offers multiple levels of brightness. While you’re at it, you can infuse some new Tuff blocks into your build. But, let’s not venture too far from the topic at hand. Which variant of the copper door are you going to use on your house? Share your pick on our Discord server and find out what everyone else is picking!

Udayveer Singh

Udayveer Singh is a contributor to our news feed here at Servers-Minecraft and is passionate about all things Minecraft!