Minecraft 1.21
Building Blocks

How to Find and Use Tuff in Minecraft 1.21

Even after years of release, Tuff is one of the most underrated blocks in Minecraft. Most players on the best Minecraft servers don’t even know about the existence of Tuff. But, all of that is about to change with the new Tuff blocks in Minecraft 1.21 update. From beautifully chiseled variants to functional blocks like stairs, there is a lot to look forward to. Now, the question is, will Tuff blocks be just another building material or will they change the game? Let’s find out!

Tuff Blocks in Minecraft 1.21

Note: Our guide discusses the mechanics of planned Tuff blocks for the upcoming Minecraft 1.21 update. All features, names, and designs are subject to change in the final release.

What is Tuff in Minecraft

Tuff is a family of rock blocks with a rough greyish texture on its faces. It is perfect for environmental decoration, abandoned builds, and Minecraft barns. But, most players choose to ignore the Tuff because, currently, we only have one Tuff block with no variant.

Fortunately, the Minecraft 1.21 update is set to change that. We are getting 6 new Tuff blocks in the game along with potentially dozens of variants. So, make sure to find as much Tuff as you can before everyone on your favorite Minecraft servers is looking for it.

Where Does Tuff Spawn

Tuff only spawns in the overworld dimension of Minecraft. You can find it in the form of blobs of underground blocks below the world height of Y=16. Its spawn rate remains constant in all biomes of Minecraft.

But, at times, Tuff also spawns as a part of the vein or iron ore below Y=0. So, if you find iron ore in Minecraft at a deep location, there is a high chance that it can be adjacent to a Tuff block.

Other blocks that usually generate next to Tuff, include:

  • Granite
  • Andesite
  • Stone
  • Diorite
  • Deepslate

How to Break and Pick Tuff Blocks

You can use any type of pickaxe in Minecraft to break and obtain tough blocks. But, if you break Tuff without a pickaxe, it ends up dropping nothing. Though, you can still use TNT to explode and get a bunch of Tuff blocks if you find a cluster of them.

Upcoming Tuff Blocks in Minecraft 1.21

With the release of the Minecraft 1.21 update, we are getting the Trial Chambers structure. It is a new hostile structure that spawns a bunch of challenges for players to test their skills and collect amazing rewards. You can use our dedicated guide to find out everything you need to know about Trial Chambers in Minecraft.

But, it's not only the combatants that are eagerly waiting for this structure. Even the builders are rejoicing because of a set of new copper and Tuff blocks. Leaving the former for another guide, let's go over all the Tuff family.

Here are all the new Tuff blocks coming with Minecraft 1.21 update:

  • Tuff Bricks
  • Tuff Stairs
  • Tuff Slab
  • Tuff Wall
  • Chiseled Tuff
  • Polished Tuff
  • Polished Tuff Stairs
  • Polished Tuff Slab
  • Polished Tuff Wall
  • Tuff Brick Stairs
  • Tuff Brick Slab
  • Tuff Brick Wall
  • Chiseled Tuff Bricks

If you don't plan on crafting this many blocks, you can also collect them by mining. Just use our guide to find Trial Chambers in Minecraft and start breaking!

Crafting Recipe of Tuff Blocks in Minecraft

The easiest way to get any variant of the building block is by using a stonecutter in Minecraft. But, if you don't have one, the crafting recipes are enough to get the job done. So, grab a Crafter or a crafting table, and let's get started!

Tuff Stairs

The Tuff stairs are perfect to add a rustic touch to your builds while maintaining a simplistic design. To craft them, simply arrange tuff blocks in a staircase format using all three columns of the 3x3 crafting grid. You get 4 Tuff stairs at the cost of 6 Tuff blocks. 

Tuff Wall

If you want to create a rustic border for your house, look no further than the Tuff walls. You can craft walls by filling any two adjacent rows of a 3x3 crafting grid with tuff blocks. This recipe consumes 6 Tuff blocks to give out 6 Tuff walls. 

Tuff Slab

Slabs are unique building blocks that are half the height of a regular block. You can turn regular Tuff blocks into slabs by placing three of them horizontally next to each other. Since this recipe doesn’t rely on columns, you can use any rows of the crafting grid to craft Tuff slabs in Minecraft. 

Chiseled Tuff

First, turn turn Tuff into Tuff slabs. Then, place two Tuff slabs vertically next to each other in the crafting grid. With that, your chiseled Tuff block is ready. This recipe works in Crafter, crafting table, and your inventory.

Polished Tuff

Unlike other polished blocks, you don't need a furnace to make polished Tuff in Minecraft. Instead, you can combine four tuff blocks in a square format to turn them into polished Tuff blocks. 

Tuff Bricks

You can make Tuff bricks in Minecraft by placing four polished Tuff blocks next to each other in a square format. Since it's a four-ingredient recipe, you can also craft it inside the grid of player inventory.

Polished Tuff Stairs

Arrange six polished Tuff blocks in a staircase pattern within the crafting grid to turn them into polished Tuff stairs. This recipe gives out 4 stairs after consuming 6 blocks. 

Polished Tuff Slab

If you want to give the rough Tuff blocks a break then polished Tuff slabs are a great pick. They give you a minimal and clean block for your designs. To craft them, simply fill up an entire row of the crafting grid with three polished tuff blocks. This recipe works in all three rows of the 3x3 crafting grid.

Polished Tuff Wall

Walls are one of the most underrated building block variants in Minecraft. They allow you to create thin and distinct boundaries, giving a rest to bulky solid borders. To craft polished Tuff walls, simply fill two adjacent rows of the crafting grid with polished Tuff walls. You get one wall block for every regular block with this crafting recipe.

Tuff Brick Stairs

First, craft six Tuff brick blocks using the above-mentioned crafting recipe. Then, arrange the brick blocks in a staircase format within the crafting grid. With that, your Tuff brick stairs are ready!

Tuff Brick Slab

When you fill one row of the crafting grid with three Tuff brick blocks, they turn into Tuff brick slabs. This crafting recipe works with all rows of the grid and gives out 6 slabs. 

Tuff Brick Wall

While Tuff brick blocks are great for creating boundaries, they can be a bit chunky. Fortunately, you can turn them into walls by filling two rows of the crafting grid with Tuff brick blocks. The recipe consumes 6 Tuff brick blocks and gives out 6 Tuff brick blocks. 

Chiseled Tuff Brick

Before you can make chiseled Tuff bricks, you need to get slabs of Tuff bricks. So, first, fill any row of the crafting grid with three Tuff bricks to turn them into slabs. Then, place two slabs vertically next to one another to transform them into chiseled Tuff bricks.

Make and Use Tuff Blocks in Minecraft

Just like that, you are now ready to decorate your blocks with Tuff blocks in Minecraft 1.21 update. Now, all that’s left for you to do is find a place to build a new block. And, the best Minecraft plains seeds are a great option to scout some great areas. Not to forget, they can also make it easier to get stone bricks in Minecraft, which go well with Tuff blocks. With that said, are you excited to use Tuff blocks in your designs or will you stick with existing blocks? Share your opinion on our Discord server and discover interesting blueprints of unique base ideas. 

Udayveer Singh

Udayveer Singh is a contributor to our news feed here at Servers-Minecraft and is passionate about all things Minecraft!