Minecraft Enchantments
Depth Strider

Depth Strider Enchantment in Minecraft - Explained (2023)

Are you planning to explore the deepest parts of the oceans of Minecraft? Then, it's time to say goodbye to slow movements and meet the Depth Strider enchantment in Minecraft. It gives you complete freedom to move underwater. So, all your underwater quests end up looking as effortless as walking on land. So, let's take a dip in our guide and learn how to get this amazing enchantment! 

Depth Strider Enchantment in Minecraft (2023)

Depth Strider is one of the most reliable enchantments in Minecraft. It is especially useful on the popular Minecraft servers with underwater bases. So, make sure to explore our entire guide to unlock a bunch of unique methods to get it.

Moving Underwater in Minecraft

As you might know, when you venture underwater in Minecraft, your movement speed is noticeably reduced. Your speed goes down more than half of the usual walking speed. Furthermore, the speed decreases even further when you swim against the current.

While this mechanic adds a touch of realism to the game, it also presents a unique challenge during underwater exploration. If you plan to explore ocean ruins and get the Sniffer in Minecraft, countering this movement restriction becomes crucial. That's where the Depth Strider in Minecraft comes in handy.

What is Depth Strider in Minecraft?

The Depth Strider is a boots enchantment in Minecraft. It increases your speed underwater by reducing the effect of water on your movement. With three levels available, at its highest level, you can swim at the same speed as walking on land.

But, it only boosts your horizontal underwater speed but doesn't affect vertical swimming. Still, the increase in speed is enough to make your adventures much easier. Moreover, please note that Depth Strider is not compatible with Frost Walker enchantment. So, you have to use separate boots to store both enchantments.

How to Get Depth Strider Enchantment in Minecraft

You can apply the Depth Strider enchantment on all types of boots in Minecraft including diamond, golden, and even Netherite. With that out of the gate, let’s go over two main methods to get this enchantment. 

Enchantment Table

Follow these simple steps to apply Depth Strider enchantment to your boots using Enchantment Table in Minecraft:

1. First, craft boots in Minecraft by combining four pieces of the same mineral on the crafting table. If you are not sure where to start, our guide on how to find iron in Minecraft can help you make basic iron boots.

2. Then, combine four blocks of obsidian, two diamonds, and one book to make an Enchantment Table in Minecraft.

3. Next, explore the caves in your world to find Lapis Lazuli ores and mine them to collect this mineral.

4. Finally, place your boots in the Enchantment Table alongside Lapis Lazuli. The table will show you a variety of available enchantments. Tap on "Depth Strider" to apply it to your boots.

5. By default, the table only offers the first or base level of this enchantment. For higher levels, you have to surround the Enchantment table with bookshelves. Though, this only works with regular bookshelves and not Chiseled Bookshelves in Minecraft.

Enchanted Books

If you are a fan of exploration then the enchanted books are perfect for applying Depth Strider to your boots. These books naturally spawn in the following structures:

  • Ancient City
  • Bastion Remnant
  • Desert Temple
  • Dungeon
  • Jungle Temple
  • Mineshaft
  • Pillager Outpost
  • Stronghold
  • Underwater Ruins
  • Woodland Mansion

Only Jungle Temples and Strongholds spawn books with higher-level enchantments in Minecraft. Though, there is no confirmation about which enchantment the book will carry. So, you might end up exploring for hours before coming across Depth Strider books.

Luckily, the armor trims that spawn in these structures will make up for your time. But once you find Depth Strider, you can learn how to use Enchanted Books in Minecraft with our linked guide.

Command to Get Depth Strider

If exploration and the Enchantment table aren't yielding the desired results, it's time to rely on Minecraft commands. But, you first need to enable cheats in your world. The option for the same is available in the world settings for Bedrock edition and LAN settings for Java edition.

Then, to get boots with the Depth Strider enchantment already applied, use the following command in your chat section.

  • Java Edition:

/give @p diamond_boots{Enchantments:[{id:depth_trider,lvl:3}]} 1
  • Bedrock Edition:

/give @p diamond_boots 1 0 {"minecraft:enchantments":[{"name":"depth_strider","level":3}]}

Moreover, you can replace "diamond_boots" with the type of boots you want to have the enchantment on (e.g., netherite_boots).

We have tested these commands on Minecraft 1.20 and they work on both editions of the game. Once you execute the command, the enchanted boots will appear in your inventory. You can then equip them and dive into the water.

Apply Depth Strider on Horse Armor

Most enchantments in Minecraft are only for the players. But, Depth Strider also works for your horses and can give them an underwater boost. You can use the following commands to get enchanted horse armor:

  • Java Edition:

/give @p diamond_horse_armor{Enchantments:[{id:depth_trider,lvl:3}]} 1
  • Bedrock Edition:

/give @p diamond_horse_armor 1 0 {"minecraft:enchantments":[{"name":"depth_strider","level":3}]}

Once equipped, your horse can traverse against the currents of water and move as fast as you. Though, you still need to get a saddle in Minecraft to ride it.

How to Use Depth Strider Enchantment

Using enchanted boots with Depth Strider in Minecraft is quite a simple and mostly automatic process. Simply equip the boots and dive into the water. Once you submerge, the boots' powers will activate, increasing your movement speed underwater.

Though, it's important to note that the speed boost is limited to your walking speed on land. But, if you want to go beyond that, it's time to put in some extra effort.

Combination with Dolphin's Grace

On the Java edition of Minecraft, you can also get a speed boost known as "Dolphin's Grace". This effect automatically activates when a dolphin mob is swimming near you. When combined with Depth Strider enchanted boots, you can move faster underwater than walking on land.

To trigger Dolphin's Grace, you must swim close to a dolphin within a range of 9 blocks. Once activated, the effect continues to replenish if you stay within 15 blocks of the dolphin. Interestingly, in the Bedrock edition, the same effect also works, but it isn't recognized as a separate status effect. Still, you can use a lead to keep a dolphin around and enjoy its grace in both editions of Minecraft.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Depth Strider 3 faster than a boat?

Boots with Depth Strider 3 enchantment allows you to move as fast as rafts and boats in Minecraft. But, the enchantment gives you freedom of movement which boats often lack.

What does Depth Strider 3 do in Minecraft?

The level three Depth Strider enchantment allows you to swim underwater as fast as you walk on land in Minecraft.

Is there Depth Strider 4?

Unfortunately, the Depth Strider enchantment only has three levels. Even if you apply higher levels using commands, Minecraft limits the effects to the third and highest level.

Is Depth Strider 3 faster than Frost Walker?

The Forst Walker allows you to move on the surface of water meanwhile the Depth Strider is help you swim faster. Both of them are effective and useful in different situations.

Use Depth Strider in Minecraft to Move Faster Underwater

Thanks to Minecraft's Depth Strider enchantment, a world of underwater adventures awaits you. But, like the dark caves, the depths of the ocean are also teeming with dangerous creatures. So, make sure to carry a reliable diamond sword and a Potion of Night Vision to locate and take care of them. Moreover, all underwater adventures need careful planning. So, make sure you always have a Potion of Water Breathing to avoid running out of precious air during crucial moments. Now, it's time to embark on your exciting ocean exploration! But what are your plans for this aquatic journey? Share your adventure ideas on our Discord server and meet other like-minded players.

Udayveer Singh

Udayveer Singh is a contributor to our news feed here at Servers-Minecraft and is passionate about all things Minecraft!