Minecraft Mobs
Trial Chamber

How to Find Bogged in Minecraft 1.21

With poisonous arrows and a deadly aim, Bogged is wandering around the muddy world of Minecraft. But, it only spawns in one structure and two biomes, all extremely rare. It can take you hours to spot one naturally. Let’s change that and learn how to find Bogged in Minecraft 1.21 with the easiest methods. 

Find Bogged in Minecraft 1.21

Note: Bogged is an experimental feature of Minecraft and its spawn mechanics are subject to change. Make sure you bookmark our guide to stay up-to-date.

What is Bogged in Minecraft

Bogged, a variant of the skeleton, are undead hostile mobs from the Minecraft 1.21 update. They have a muddy appearance and shoot arrows tipped with poison. You can jump onto our dedicated guide to learn everything you need to know Bogged in Minecraft.

But one thing is clear, if you get hit by their arrows, your health drops to half a heart. So, before you start your search, be sure to make a shield in Minecraft. Alternatively, since Bogged shoots slower than a skeleton, you can also rely on your dodging skills. With that out of the way, let’s learn how to find Bogged in Minecraft.

Best Biomes to Find Bogged

As it's clear from their muddy appearance, the Bogged only spawn in Mangrove Swamp and Swamp biomes. Home to frogs, both of these biomes are quite rare and can be a bit hard to find. But, here are some tips to make your search easier:

  • Swamps often generate next to rivers and seldom border an ocean.
  • On a full-moon light, a bunch of slimes spawns in the swamp biome. You can easily spot them and the biome from a long distance using a Spyglass.
  • Both of the swamp biomes generate in warmer regions of your world.
  • Mangrove swamps often spawn right next to the jungle and desert biomes. So, you can also search for the other two biomes and hope to find swamps next to them.

Bogged in Trial Chambers

If the search doesn't go as planned and you are up for an adventure, it's time to find a Trial Chamber in Minecraft. This hostile structure spawns waves of various hostile mobs including the Bogged. Follow these steps to trigger a group of Bogged mobs to spawn:

1. First, use a pickaxe to dig down and reach the world height of Y=0. The Trial Chambers usually spawn between the Y = -40 and -20, so it's best to search in the middle.

2. Then, explore your surrounding underground area and look for Tuff blocks. These blocks create the boundary walls of chambers and are easy to spot. If your search isn't going well, our list of the best Minecraft Trial Chamber seeds can help you out.

3. Once you find a Trial Chamber, enter it by breaking a wall. Then, search for a room with a Trial Spawner surrounded by bone blocks.

4. When you get close to the Trial Spawner, a group of Bogged will spawn. But, keep in mind that the bone blocks can also indicate that the spawner might spawn other variants of skeletons. There is no way to know how so you will have to keep trying.

Turn Skeletons into Bogged (Speculative)

While it isn't a mechanic yet, we expect Minecraft to add an option to turn skeletons into Bogged. Currently, you can trap skeletons inside powered snow to freeze into becoming Strays.

A similar mechanic with mud could suffocate skeletons and turn them into Bogged. But only time will tell if this is a path that the developers want to take. Once that happens, you might no longer need to manually find Bogged in Minecraft again.  

Where to Find Bogged in Minecraft 1.21

Now that you are familiar with Bogged’s home, it’s time to make a boat and travel to it. But, if you are playing on Minecraft SMP servers, don’t forget to invite your friends. Within the Trial Chambers, the number of players affects the number of Bogged that spawn. So, how do you plan to fight the Bogged in Minecraft? Drop your ideas on our Discord server! 

Udayveer Singh

Udayveer Singh is a contributor to our news feed here at Servers-Minecraft and is passionate about all things Minecraft!