Minecraft 1.20
Minecraft Mobs

What Do Frogs Eat in Minecraft 1.20

When it comes to feeding mobs in Minecraft, things can get pretty stale quite quickly. In most cases, it's just the players going around the world collecting food and them providing it to their favorite creatures. But, things are different when frogs come into the picture. They can't only hunt for their food, but they also give out amazing items if you feed them. Though, on the widely popular Minecraft 1.20 servers, these amazing mobs can be quickly snatched away. So, let’s stop beating around the bush and learn what frogs eat in Minecraft.

What Do Frogs Eat in Minecraft

Our guide goes over all the unique aspects of frogs' food and how it impacts them in Minecraft. Make sure to go through each section carefully to take proper care of the meal of these amazing amphibians.

Food for Frogs

Here's the list of all the entities a frog can eat in Minecraft:

  • Small Slimes: Smallest variant of the hostile slime mob that most commonly spawns in the swamp biomes.
  • Slimeballs: Green ball-like objects that slime mobs drop on dying.
  • Small Magma Cubes: The smallest variant of the hostile magma cube mob that is exclusive to the Nether dimension.

Unlike other passive mobs in the game, frogs can attack mobs and consume them. This is only applicable to the smallest slimes and magma cubes. But, with the help of the best Minecraft mods, you can make frogs eat any mob you want.

Moreover, in earlier snapshots of the Minecraft 1.20 update, these mobs could even eat goats accidentally. Fortunately, you no longer have to worry about that. 

Uses of Frog Food

For most mobs in the game, eating food only helps in health regeneration. But the story is quite different for frogs in Minecraft. Here's how:

  • Breeding: If you feed slimeballs to two frogs, one of them lays eggs which later hatch into tadpoles. We already have a dedicated guide on how to breed frogs in Minecraft to help you with the same.
  • Attracting: When you hold a slimeball in your hand all the nearby frogs will follow you. This allows you to take them anywhere you want without relying upon lead or boats.
  • Weapon: While small slimes and magma cubes can't harm you they can be extremely annoying. Fortunately, you can unleash your frogs onto them for a quick clean-up.
  • Froglight: Whenever a frog eats a magma cube in Minecraft it ends up dropping froglight which is a bright light source block.

How to Feed Frogs in Minecraft

Now that you know what frogs eat in Minecraft, let's go over the entire process of feeding them:

1. First, search for slimes in your world. They usually spawn in swamp biomes of Minecraft but you can occasionally find them in other spots as well.

2. Next, use a diamond sword or any other weapon to kill slimes and get slimeballs. You might have to attack them multiple times until slimes break down into their smallest variants.

2. Then, pick up the slimeballs and equip them in your hands. The frogs immediately notice the slimeballs in your hands and start following you around.

3. Finally, aim at a frog and right-click or use a secondary action key to feed the frogs in Minecraft.

Can You Tame Frogs in Minecraft

Frogs are extremely friendly with players and you can even feed them with your hands. But, there is no way to tame them or turn them into pets in Minecraft. Though, you can use a lead or fences to keep them in your base.

Furthermore, for an extra fun session, you can use the ride command in Minecraft to ride frogs or even make them sit on your shoulders. They aren't as exciting as Cobblemons but can charm definitely up your adventures.

Give Food to Your Frogs in Minecraft Today

With that, you are now ready to feed all the frogs in your Minecraft world. But, don't forget to take care of your own food while helping your jumpy friends. You can kill domestic mobs to get meat and cook it inside a furnace. Or find a village in Minecraft to take care of all your meals without getting aggressive. Coming back to the frogs, these adorable creatures can be hard to find due to the rarity of swamps. But, you can rely upon our best Minecraft survival seeds to locate one in no time. Having said that, which food are you going to feed your frog? Drop your choice in our Discord server and interact with a happening community of Minecraft fans. 

Udayveer Singh

Udayveer Singh is a contributor to our news feed here at Servers-Minecraft and is passionate about all things Minecraft!