Minecraft Villagers

How to Get Jungle Villagers in Minecraft (5 Methods)

There is no doubt that villagers are one of the most interesting and reliable mobs in Minecraft. They provide valuable trades, help in farming, and even make your bases more lively. However, one variant, the jungle villagers, remains largely unseen by many players because they don't have a dedicated village. But now it's time to change the situation. Join us on a journey to learn how to get jungle villagers in Minecraft and unlock new trades, mobs, and more.

How to Get Jungle Villagers in Minecraft 1.20

Our guide goes over everything you need to know about jungle villagers in Minecraft. It includes 5 unique methods to unlock these rare mobs. Feel free to use the method that fits your requirements and playstyle.

What are Jungle Villagers in Minecraft

Villagers are passive mobs that spawn in village settlements. You can use emeralds to trade with them and get a variety of items. Beyond trading, you can find them interacting with each other, performing job-related tasks, and sleeping at night.

The appearance of these villagers, and also some of their trades, depends upon the biome they spawn in. Jungle villagers are one of the seven biome variants of villagers in Minecraft. They only spawn in the jungle and bamboo jungle biomes. But, since there is no jungle village in Minecraft, finding these villagers can be tricky.

Why is There No Jungle Village in Minecraft

Jungle villages, alongside swamp villages, are one of the many planned features of Minecraft. While there is no concrete explanation or an official release date for these features, the upcoming Minecraft 1.21 update has been teasing changes related to villagers.

Adding to the anticipation, we also got bamboo wood blocks in the Minecraft 1.20 update. This variant of wood, combined with jungle wood is perfect for villagers' huts. Nevertheless, you don't need a village to get jungle villagers in Minecraft. Let's find out how!

Enchanted Books in Jungle Villages

With the release of Minecraft 1.20.2 update, different variants of librarian villagers sell different enchanted books. This change also affects the jungle villagers in Minecraft, who now have access to some exclusive and amazing enchantments.

The enchanted books you can get from jungle librarians include:

  • Feather Falling
  • Projectile Protection
  • Power
  • Unbreaking II

Out of these, you can only get Unbreaking II enchanted books from master-level librarians with full XP. You can use our linked guide to learn how to use enchanted books in Minecraft and find out more about other villages' books.

Breed Jungle Villagers in Minecraft (Method 1)

Breeding other villagers inside the jungle biome is the traditional and somewhat reliable way to get jungle villagers in Minecraft. The only drawback is that this method can be extremely time-consuming. But, if that doesn't bother you, let's get started.

Preparing Breeding Area

Before we go into the breeding process, here are all the preparations you need to make:

  • Build a temporary 5x5 shelter in the jungle biome. It will not only protect your villagers from hostile mobs but also prevent them from wandering off.
  • Before the breeding process can take place, you must have enough beds for them. So, make three beds in Minecraft and place them in your shelter.
  • To make villagers eligible for breeding, you need to make sure they are satisfied. This satisfaction can be attained by giving them 3 breads, 12 carrots, 12 potatoes, or 12 beetroots.

Breeding Villagers

After making all the preparations, follow these simple steps to breed villagers in Minecraft:

1. First, find a village in Minecraft. It doesn't matter which type of village you find but locating one close to the jungle biome would be best.

2. Then, make a boat in Minecraft and place it next to any villager. It might take a few seconds but the villager will automatically sit in your boat.

3. Once you have a villager in your boat, drive it on land or water to reach the jungle biome. You have to repeat this process to transport two villagers from their biome to the jungle.

4. Then, throw bread or other food at the villagers. As soon as they are satisfied, the villagers will breed and a baby villager will spawn. The baby villager will be of the jungle variant. This process isn't affected by the biome of the parent villagers.

Other Ways to Get Jungle Villagers in Minecraft

If you're exploring the best Minecraft survival servers or trying to unlock achievements, breeding is the best option. But, if you don't mind some extra help, here are a few other methods you can try.

Jungle Village Seed for Minecraft (Method 2)

Thanks to Minecraft's unpredictable world generation, parts of other villages sometimes generate inside the jungle biome. This can result in a few jungle villagers spawning naturally in your world. But, as you might expect, these glitched spots aren't easy to find.

Fortunately, we already have a collection of the best Minecraft 1.20 village seeds. One of them spawns you right inside a glitched jungle village:

  • Seed Code: 72247286
  • Edition: Java
  • Jungle Village Coordiantes: 0 ~ 0

Command to Spawn Jungle Village (Method 3)

If your attempt at locating or breeding villagers doesn't go as planned, you can also use commands to spawn jungle villagers. All you need to do is run the following command in your chat:

/summon villager ~1 ~1~1 {VillagerData:{type:jungle,profession:farmer,level:1}}

You can change the profession and level of villager as per your requirements. It works in all biomes and dimensions of Minecraft. But, you need to enable cheats in your world before running this command.

Villager Spawn Eggs (Method 4)

If you want to get jungle villagers for your custom maps or builds then Minecraft's creative mode is a great help. You can open your creative inventory and search for villager spawn eggs. They allow you to immediately spawn villagers where you want.

If you use these eggs inside the jungle biome, they spawn jungle villagers in your world. The profession of these villagers is random. But, you can give them different job site blocks to influence it. None of the other methods comes close to the efficiency of the spawn eggs.

Villager Mods in Minecraft (Method 5)

Most of the solutions to get jungle villagers in Minecraft only offer temporary solutions. But, it's time to change that with the help of Forge and the best village mods. These mods fill the gap that developers left and make the game generate jungle villages by default. So, you not only end up meeting jungle villagers in Minecraft but also get to explore their homes.

The best Minecraft mods that offer jungle villagers include:

Frequently Asked Questions

Do jungle villages exist in Minecraft?

Unfortunately, there are no jungle villages in Minecraft. But they are one of the most requested features for the Minecraft 1.21.

Where can I find jungle villagers?

You can only find jungle villagers in Minecraft when parts of a village of another biome spawn inside the jungle biome.

How do you teleport to a jungle village in Minecraft?

There is no way to teleport to a jungle villager in Minecraft as they don't generate naturally. Though, you can make a jungle village and teleport to its coordinates using the "/tp" command.

How do you tell if a jungle villager is a nitwit?

There are no visual differences between an unemployed and a nitwit village in Minecraft. You have to try placing a job site block in front of the village to test whether it is a nitwit or not. The Nitwit villagers cannot get any job in Minecraft and don't change their appearance.

Find and Trade with Jungle Villagers in Minecraft

With the knowledge to get jungle villagers in Minecraft, you are now ready to unlock new trades in the game. But while you are traveling these trades become hard to access. That's where the Wandering Trades come into the picture. They offer a variety of amazing items and can even buy extra loot from you. Meanwhile, when you visit the Nether, the Piglins trades in Minecraft are your only option. Having said that, when do you think jungle villagers will come to Minecraft? Drop your predictions in our Discord server and join the discussion. 

Udayveer Singh

Udayveer Singh is a contributor to our news feed here at Servers-Minecraft and is passionate about all things Minecraft!