Minecraft Basics
Crafting Recipe

How to Make Bread in Minecraft (2023 Guide)

With its cheap crafting recipe and immense benefits, bread is easily the most efficient food in Minecraft. However, unless you spawn in the best Minecraft 1.20 village seeds, this simple item can become a challenge to obtain. Things get even dier on the competitive Minecraft 1.20 servers. But worry not. We are here to uncover how to make bread in Minecraft using the most reliable methods. From trading to crafting, your options are limited. So, let's jump right into it!

How to Make Bread in Minecraft

Our guide goes over a variety of methods to get bread in Minecraft. But, if you are only interested in the crafting process, please feel free to skip ahead.

Where Does Bread Spawn in Minecraft

You can find loaves of bread in the chest of the following structures within Minecraft:

Among these, the huts of ironsmith villagers have the highest chances of spawning with bread in them. Though, it's worth noting that ironsmith villagers themselves are quite rare.

Do Villagers Sell Bread

You can buy 6 loaves of bread for a single emerald from novice-level farmer villagers in Minecraft. In terms of food, this is one of the best trades you can get in the game. Moreover, Luckily, farmer villagers are abundant as they spawn in almost every village. So, if you know how to find a village in Minecraft, getting bread is quite easy.

Since bread is desirable for all villagers in Minecraft, they also trade it among themselves. Farmer villagers harvest wheat from their farms and craft bread using the same. Then, they trade that bread with other villagers.

Villager Gift

If you save a village from a Pillager's raid, the game gives you a "Hero of The Village" status effect. Under this effect, the farmers of the same village shower you with bread as a gift.

How to Make Bread in Minecraft

Follow these simple steps to make bread in Minecraft:

1. You need three pieces of wheat to make one load of bread in Minecraft. The easiest way to find wheat is by locating a village and obtaining the wheat from its farms.

2. If you are unable to find wheat naturally, you can also grow some on your own. To do so, first, obtain wheat seeds by breaking grass in your world.

3. Then, craft a hoe in Minecraft using two planks and two sticks. You can also use other Minecraft ores to make stronger hoes, but often, that isn't necessary.

4. Then, use the hoe on a dirt or grass block to turn it into a farmland block.

5. Next, use a bucket in Minecraft to place some water close to your farmland to irrigate it. Alternatively, you can also turn the blocks closer to the natural water body into farmland.

6. Then, sow your wheat seeds into the farmland and wait for the wheat to grow. You need at least three pieces of wheat to make bread in Minecraft.

7. Finally, place the three pieces of wheat in any row of the crafting grid to turn them into bread.

How Much Hunger Does Bread Give You

As you already know, it is quite easy to make bread in Minecraft. But don't let its simple crafting recipe undermine its usefulness. When you eat bread in Minecraft it restores 5 hunger bars. This means that except for cooked or golden food, bread offers the best hunger saturation in the game.

Other Uses of Bread

Once you have satisfied your hunger, you can use Minecraft's bread in the following ways:

  • Breeding: In Minecraft, you can give bread to villagers to make them willing for breeding. Each villager requires only 3 loaves of bread to convenience themselves for the breeding process.
  • Composting: When you place bread in the composter, the compost level has an 85% chance of raising by one. This makes them one of the most efficient composting sources in the game. It is even better than using pieces of wheat directly in the composter.

Easiest Way to Get Bread in Minecraft

Now that you know how to make bread in Minecraft, you have access to the best way to replenish hunger in the game. Once your hunger bar is full, the game starts restoring your health similar to the Healing Potion in Minecraft. This makes bread the perfect choice for all the best Minecraft survival seeds. But, is that your go-to food too? Drop your picks on our Discord server and find out if the community agrees. 

Udayveer Singh

Udayveer Singh is a contributor to our news feed here at Servers-Minecraft and is passionate about all things Minecraft!