Build Ideas

10 Minecraft Village Build Ideas You Must Try

With a handful of huts and a few animal pens, villagers in Minecraft have a very simple look. Moreover, it’s been years since any of them saw any major change. But, that doesn’t stop villagers with jobs from giving you amazing items. So, it’s about time we pay them back with a few Minecraft village build ideas. Let’s dive in! 

Minecraft Village Build Ideas (2024)

You can find the tutorial for each build right next to its description. Make sure to share some love with the creator whose design you choose to recreate. 

1. Trading Hall

While trading can get you a variety of resources, unlocking all villager jobs can be a real challenge. That's where the trading halls come into the picture. These minimal structures focus on turning villagers into small shops that you can access at any time.

But, how you build a hall can completely change its output. That's why we are relying upon this easy but clean Minecraft village build idea. It puts all villagers into a single building that fits right in with the existing villages.

2. Village Town Hall

If you start breeding villagers in Minecraft, the population can easily go out of hand. Luckily, we have the perfect solution to accommodate all your new traders. With this town hall, your villagers get a massive place to live, meet, and even farm.

Moreover, you can even set up parts of your base within the same. The best part is that all elements of this build are functional for players as well as villagers.

3. Survival Tower in Minecraft Village Build Ideas

With the best Minecraft villager mods, you can teach combat to your villagers. So, it's only right that you also give them a structure that fits with their new skills. The survival tower acts as a cozy house that can fit all villager variants in the game.

But, what makes it special is the tall watchtower which is great for combat purposes. If you have other players in your world, this build can help you keep enemies at bay. It is also a great option for dealing with Pillagers during a raid.

4. Librarian's House

Librarians are one of the most generous villagers in Minecraft. You can get enchantments, paper, and a lot more for reasonable prices. So, it's only wise to dedicate a house to them and it can't get any better than this Minecraft village idea.

It features a beautiful hut for the librarians with an equally cozy interior. The design mostly features wood and bookish items. Thanks to the minimal requirements, you can build it pretty early in your adventure.

5. Jungle Village

Even after years of existence, the jungle villagers in Minecraft still don't have a dedicated structure. So, while you are upgrading other villages, don't miss out on building a new jungle village.

Even if it might feel like a lot of work right now, the new biomed-based trades will make it worth it. Moreover, these villages give jungles the attention they have been missing for years.

6. Raid Proof Boundary

When you start a raid in Minecraft, the villagers are left to the players' mercy to be saved. But, it's time to change it with this powerful Minecraft villager-build idea. Giving the power back to villagers relies on a massive boundary around the entire village.

You can climb on top of this new area to easily spot and attack Pillagers before they even reach a village. Meanwhile, the thick layers of the wall will keep the enemies outside and your villager safe.

7. Cherry Blossom Farmhouse

Cherry Grove is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful biomes in Minecraft. So, it shouldn't be surprising that this farmhouse design uses this biome to give villagers a new home. You get all the resources you need from the biome. Plus, its reliable terrain makes your build quite easy.

8. Medieval Blacksmith in Minecraft Village Build Ideas

Whether you want to get diamond gear or easy lava, blacksmith villagers are a reliable option. So, in an attempt to pay back to their server, it's time to build a medieval house. This design features a two-room structure with a work area between them.

There is also a chimney that fits perfectly with the work life of this villager. Then, to complete the structure, there are various ore-based blocks in its interior. The only thing that's missing in a player ready to put it all to use.

9. Automatic Chicken Coop

A great way to upgrade your villages is with automatic farms. While you can go all out with crafter automatic farms in Minecraft, let's start with something simple. This build design features a chicken coop that automatically collects and hatches eggs.

At first glance, it feels like any other animal pen that spawns without your world. But, its production rate is quite good. The only drawback is that you have to kill the chickens over time to prevent entity cramming.

10. Hobbit Hole

Taking a break from the ordinary, we have the truly amazing hobbit hole in Minecraft. It focuses on a house neatly tucked on the side of a hill. The design is not only beautiful but also perfect to avoid the attention of hostile players.

If you are playing on the best Minecraft survival servers, the hobbit hole is a perfect design. You can use it to hide your chests in secret rooms while keeping an entrance that impresses others. Just make sure not to gather too much attention or it might backfire.

Ideas to Build in Villages of Minecraft

Just like that, it’s time to grab your pickaxe and start building. But, before that, you must collect the right blocks. A great to begin with are stone bricks and smooth stone. Both of them are easy to obtain and can fit almost any design. Though, if you are playing on Minecraft 1.21 servers, the new copper blocks might be a better choice. But, all of it comes down to which Minecraft village build ideas you are trying. Drop your picks on our Discord server and collaborate with talented builders!

Udayveer Singh

Udayveer Singh is a contributor to our news feed here at Servers-Minecraft and is passionate about all things Minecraft!