Minecraft Basics
White Concrete

How to Make White Concrete in Minecraft

Whether you want to build a clean base or a white temple, your structures can't be complete without white concrete. This block introduces a fresh dimension of decoration and texture to your constructions. It helps you truly make your base stand out in the best Minecraft survival servers. So, join us in discovering how to make white concrete in Minecraft and elevate your builds.

How to Make White Concrete in Minecraft (2023)

Our guide goes over everything you need to know about white concrete in Minecraft including its uses, the recipe, and types. Make sure to explore all sections of our guide to make the most out of this block.

What is White Concrete in Minecraft

White concrete is a versatile building material in Minecraft, which serves as a building block for making diverse structures within the game. It looks similar to snow blocks but has a slightly off-white texture. Moreover, unlike other blocks, it appears in two forms: smooth concrete block and granular concrete powder block.

Uses of Concrete

You can use white concrete in Minecraft in the following ways:

  • Creating Greek or minimalist-style structures
  • Decorating floors and ceilings of buildings
  • Using concrete powder to suffocate enemies using gravity-based traps

Items Required to Make White Concrete

You need to find and collect these items to make white concrete in Minecraft:

  • Four sand blocks
  • Four gravel blocks
  • White dye
  • Water (natural or bucket)

Getting your hands on sand and gravel blocks in Minecraft is quite easy. Both of them spawn next to water bodies, more commonly around oceans and rivers. To pick these blocks, you just need to break them using any tool or your hands.

Though, at times, gravel drops itself as flint which can be used to make a Flint & Steel lighter in Minecraft. But, that's for another day. For now, let's focus on how to make white concrete in Minecraft and make the most out of it.

How to Get White Dye in Minecraft

There are a bunch of ways to get white dye in Minecraft including Trail Ruins and crafting. You can use our linked guide to explore all of them in detail. For the purpose of concrete powder, we suggest going for the easiest method. Here's how:

1. First, make a sword, crossbow, or any weapon of choice in your Minecraft world.

2. Then, wait for the night to fall or explore the caves until you find skeleton mobs.

3. Next, kill the skeleton to make them drop bones.

4. Then, collect and place the bones in the crafting grid to turn them into bone meal. You can use your inventory or a crafting table for the purpose.

5. Finally, place the bone meal in your crafting grid to turn it into white dye. Alternatively, you can also find Lily of the Valley flowers and turn them into white dyes. But, skeletons are often much easier to locate.

How to Make White Concrete in Minecraft (Powder)

With all the ingredients by your side, follow these easy steps to make white concrete powder in Minecraft:

1. First, open your crafting table by right-clicking on it. If you don't have one, you can craft the table by combining four wooden planks. The recipe works for all types of wood including bamboo wood in Minecraft.

2. Then, place the sand blocks in the last two slots of the first row and the first two slots of the second row. They should create an inverse-z shape in the grid.

3. Next, place the white dye in the first slot of the topmost row. Later, you can even use other dyes to unlock all types of concrete in Minecraft.

4. Finally, fill the remaining slots of the grid with gravel blocks to finish the recipe. With that, your white concrete power block is ready.

Turn Concrete Powder to Block

Much like sand and gravel used to craft it, the concrete power block is affected by gravity. You cannot make it float while creating structures. Furthermore, its texture is notably coarse and grainy, the powder form of concrete usually doesn't fit with modern builds.

But, fortunately, much like concrete in the real world, the power changes form when it comes in contact with water. So, let's figure out how to make white concrete power in Minecraft using powder:

1. To begin, find a body of water like a river, a pond, or an ocean. Alternatively, you can also use a bucket to collect water and release it on your base.

2. Next, start placing your white concrete powder block inside the water. As soon as the powder touches the water it turns solid.

3. Moreover, you don't even need water source blocks for the process. You can also place all your white concrete powder blocks in a row and get flowing water next to them.

Note: The process of converting concrete powder into solid blocks doesn't work with rain or splash water bottles.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is white concrete good in Minecraft?

White concrete is a great fit for a variety of stylish builds. It fits perfectly with blocks like stone bricks in Minecraft.

Can you color white concrete Minecraft?

Unfortunately, there is no way to dye concrete blocks in Minecraft. You can only choose their colors while crafting the concrete powder blocks.

Where does white concrete spawn in Minecraft?

You can only find red and cyan concrete blocks naturally in the world of Minecraft. They generate as a part of the Trail Ruins structure. But, there is no way to find the other types including the white concrete block.

Make & Use White Concrete in Minecraft

Now that you know how to make white concrete in Minecraft, it gives you access to a new set of versatile building blocks in the game. But, these blocks have no purpose unless you get a plan to build. So, don't forget to try some of the best Minecraft barn ideas to use these blocks. You can combine concrete with Minecraft bricks to create a truly vibrant structure. Having said that, which other block do you think will work with concrete? Drop your picks in the Discord server in Minecraft!

Udayveer Singh

Udayveer Singh is a contributor to our news feed here at Servers-Minecraft and is passionate about all things Minecraft!