Minecraft Mobs

How to Breed Axolotls in Minecraft (2025)

Axolotls, the friendly and fun creatures of Minecraft, are as rare as they come. While catching a few common variants of Axolotls is possible, breeding them is the key to obtaining all types, including the extremely rare blue Axolotls. 

They are easily your best partner for any adventure on the land as well as underwater. So, let's dive in and learn how to breed Axolotls in Minecraft and make the most of these cute creatures.

How to Breed Axolotls and Tame Them in Minecraft: Everything You Need to Know

Catching Axolotls in Minecraft is no easy task, considering how rare these friendly creatures are. Taming them is a whole different story, and breeding involves a special ingredient that we’ll cover further in this guide. 

Axolotls are passive mobs in Minecraft that are often described as fun and friendly creatures but they do attack other mobs, and even Sniffer can’t survive a fight against them. 

To make the guide easier for you, we have organized the process of finding, catching, and breeding Axolotls into dedicated sections. You can explore these sections sequentially to avoid any errors.

Finding Axolotls in Minecraft

Axolotls are passive mobs that exclusively spawn in the lush caves biome of Minecraft. So, you have to explore under areas of the overworld to find lush caves and then search within the waterlogged part of these caves to find Axolotls.

If you don't mind some sacrifice, you can even breed frogs in Minecraft and use tadpoles as bait to lure Axolotls out. 

👾 Use our best Minecraft adventure seeds and discover Axolotls waiting for you in the caves! 

Catching Axolotls in Minecraft

To catch an Axolotl, lure it out, grab your water bucket, and right-click on the mob. It will instantly appear in your bucket, gazing at you with its tiny, curious eyes, ready for the journey back to your base. 

Since breeding Axolotls requires at least two, be sure to bring multiple water buckets for a successful collection!

Taming Axolotls in Minecraft

Unfortunately, Minecraft doesn't allow you to tame Axolotls despite their friendly nature. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t force them to stay by. Here is what you do to prevent Axolotls from escaping: 

  • Trap Axolotls in glass aquariums
  • Tie Axolotls up with lead to keep them around 

Even in their trapped forms, the Axolotls are a great addition to your base in Minecraft. Plus, if you know how to breed Axolotls in Minecraft to get their rare variants, things can't get any better.

Items Required to Catch and Breed Axolotls

You only need the following entities to breed Axolotls in Minecraft:

  • 2 Axolotls
  • 2 Tropical Fishes
  • 1 Bucket
  • Pool of Water

How to Craft a Bucket

One of the easiest ways to catch and transport Axolotls is by keeping them in buckets filled with water so that the mob won’t die. To craft a bucket, you need to add 3 iron ingots to the 3x3 crafting grid. Next, aim the bucket at the Axolotl and right-click to catch it. 

How to Catch Tropical Fishes

Fortunately, tropical fishes are very common, and you can find them in their natural habitat, such as large rivers and oceans. There are two ways you can catch tropical fish: 

  • Craft a fishing rod and use it to catch tropical fish
  • Craft a boat, go in the middle of the ocean or river, and catch tropical fish with a bucket. 

Where to Breed Axolotls: Step-By-Step Instructions

While Axolotls can survive on land, they need to get back to water within 5 minutes, or they start taking damage. This makes it essential to keep and breed them in or around water. So, we suggest you build a small pool for them in your base, a dedicated breeding area.

Breeding Area 

If you have limited time, you can simply dig up a small pit and fill it up with water–however, your Axolotls will really appreciate you building a dedicated aquarium. Before starting, ensure you’ve got all the essentials for breeding Axolotls:

  • At least 2 tropical fishes 
  • A 3x3 block area filled with water
  • At least 2 Axolotls 
  • 36 building blocks (glass blocks recommended for a clear view)

If everything is in check, follow these steps to create a simple breeding area for Axolotls:

1. First, create a 3x3 block area that's at least two blocks deep and fill it with water. The spot should be large enough for the Axolotls to move freely.

2. Next, use a water bucket to pick up the Axolotl. You only need two of them to get the process started.

3. Finally, empty the Buckets of Axolotl into the newly made breeding area.

4. Consider covering the roof of your newly made aquarium to keep the Axolotls safe from hostile mobs. 

What Do Axolotls Eat in Minecraft?

Just like all the other passive mobs in Minecraft, Axolotls require food to breed and their favorite cuisine is alive tropical fishes. Luckily, these fishes are quite easy to find within the warm and lukewarm oceans of Minecraft that are present throughout the overworld.

For breeding Axolotls in Minecraft, you need 2 Buckets of Tropical Fish.

‼️ Keep in mind that killing these little creatures will make them useless for your axolots. So, you have to carefully use a water bucket to pick up the tropical fish. Then, you can freely take them anywhere inside your inventory. 

How to Breed Axolotls in Minecraft: Collecting All Colors

With all the key items by your side and the aquarium ready, you can finally proceed to breed all the existing colors of Axolotls in your Minecraft base. 

Once Axolotls are settled in their new home, here is what you need to do:

  1. Use Buckets of Tropical Fish to feed two Axolotls in the breeding base.  
  2. After being fed, the Axolotls will get into "love mode." 
  3. Wait a minute and observe the spawning of one baby Axolotl
  4. Keep breeding Axolotls until you collect all colors (pink, brown, gold, cyan, and blue).

🐠 The babies keep following their parents around until they grow into adults within 20 minutes of spawning.

Axolotls in Minecraft have a breeding cooldown period:

  • Java Edition: 10 minutes
  • Bedrock Edition: 1 minute

This applies to parent Axolotls, so plan your breeding sessions accordingly!

🐟 You can speed up the growth by feeding buckets of tropical fish to the baby Axolotls.

How to Breed Rare Blue Axolotls

When a new baby Axolotl spawns, it randomly inherits the color of its parent. But it also has a tiny 0.0008% chance of spawning as the extremely rare blue Axolotl. This means that you might have to breed around "1200" of these creatures to get the blue variant.

Surprisingly, the 1200 quantity of Axolotls is much larger than the amount of these creatures in the real world as of 2020. That's partly why Minecraft included this unique color of Axolotls that doesn't even exist in the natural world.

However, if you don't want to waste hours trying your luck at breeding, then a little cheating might take you a long way. You just have to turn on cheats in your world and use the following command to spawn a blue Axolotl in Minecraft:

/summon minecraft:axolotl ~ ~ ~ {Variant:4}

❗ Before you execute this command, keep in mind that using cheats turns off all the achievements in the game. Furthermore, they can even get you banned on some of the popular Minecraft survival servers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Minecraft Axolotl for?

The Axolotls in Minecraft attack all aquatic mobs except turtles, dolphins, and frogs. You can use them to hunt underwater animals and even protect yourself from Drowned hostile mobs.

Do Axolotls need air Minecraft?

Axolotls can stay on land as well as underwater. They need water that's at least two blocks deep to survive. But, if an axolotl remains outside water for five minutes or longer, then it takes damage and eventually dies.

Will Axolotls eat my fish in Minecraft?

You can only use buckets of Tropical Fish to feed an Axolotl in Minecraft. They can't consume dead fish or any other food.

Breed and Tame Axolotls in Minecraft Easily 

By now, you should be ready to create your own underwater army of Axolotls and take down all the hostile aquatic mobs in Minecraft. Unfortunately, since Axolotls can’t survive on land for longer than a few minutes, you need to create a mob that would guard you while you sleep. An Iron Golem is perfect for the job in mild climates, while a Snow Golem can withstand even a snowstorm. 

Put your survival skills to the test with the best Minecraft Mountain seeds and see how long you can live with or without loyal guardians on the land and in the water! 

Having said that, how big are you planning to make your Axolotl army in Minecraft? Vote your choice in our Discord server and find more admirers of this cute predator. 

Udayveer Singh

Udayveer Singh is a contributor to our news feed here at Servers-Minecraft and is passionate about all things Minecraft!