Minecraft Ores

Where to Find Coal in Minecraft (2024)

Whether you want to light up your base with a campfire or smelt ores, coal is an unmissable part of the process. But, that’s only possible when you know where to find coal in Minecraft. So, grab your tools, and let’s uncover the black treasure!

Where to Find Coal in Minecraft (2024)

Our guide goes over a variety of ways to get coal in Minecraft. Use the method that fits your requirements and circumstances.

What is Coal in Minecraft

Coal is one of the most popular fuel sources in Minecraft. They appear like small black rocks that are arranged in a solid block. You can use coal to power furnaces, blast furnaces, and various light blocks. 

Is Coal Better than Charcoal

Coal and charcoal are two of the best options when it comes to fuel. In most cases, you can use them interchangeably - neither being more efficient than the other.

But, most players prefer coal because you can turn it into blocks. Moreover, inside caves where you need torches, coal is much easier to obtain. Plus, you need to rely upon wood for charcoal which can have much better uses 

Where Does Coal Ore Spawn in Minecraft

As per the Minecraft ore distribution, coal ore blocks spawn between the world height of 136 to 320 and 0 to 192. These blocks commonly generate at the height of Y=96

So, you will have much better luck at finding coal in hilly biomes than anywhere else. Plus, on the Bedrock edition, coal ores can even generate between heights 128 and 256. Just make sure to keep your eyes peeled.

Mine Coal Ore with a Pickaxe

Once you find a coal ore block, use any pickaxe to mine. If mined without a pickaxe, the ore block drops nothing. Moreover, unlike gold or iron, you don't need to refine coal to use it. Simply pick up the dropped coal and get to work. 

Other Ways to Get Coal

If searching for ores doesn't go as planned, you can get coal by other methods. Let's explore each of them to find the best alternative.

Mob Loot

You can often find Wither Skeleton mobs roaming around the fortress structures in the Nether dimension. When you kill them, these mobs end up dropping coal alongside skulls and bones. 

But, they are also one of the most fierce Nether mobs in Minecraft. So, unless you want Wither skeleton skills it's best to stick with other methods for coal.

Chest Loot

Another great way to find coal in Minecraft is by looting chests. Being a versatile item, it's not surprising that you can find coal in all these structures:

  • Dungeon/Monster Room
  • Mineshaft
  • Ancient City
  • Underwater and Ocean Ruins
  • Shipwreck
  • Trail Ruins
  • Village
  • Igloo
  • Woodland Mansion

While you might not get coal within all of these structures every single time, they are still worth exploring. Plus, if you can get Elytra in Minecraft, chest loot might turn easier than mining.

Block of Coal

At times, you can also find a Block of Coal buried inside a Trail Ruins structure. You can use a pickaxe to mine and pick up this block. Placing the block of coal inside the crafting grid gives you 9 pieces of coal. With proper planning and some luck, this is the most rewarding way to get coal in Minecraft.

Find and Mine Coal in Minecraft

With a bunch of coal in your bag, it’s time to light up your world. But, you don’t need coal for all light blocks. The amazing froglight can outshine almost anything and doesn’t even require fuel. Not to forget, if you just want to cook food, a campfire is more efficient than a furnace. In the end, it all comes down to how you use your fuel on Minecraft SMP servers. Happy crafting!

Udayveer Singh

Udayveer Singh is a contributor to our news feed here at Servers-Minecraft and is passionate about all things Minecraft!