Minecraft Mods

All Pokemon in Cobblemon and Where to Find Them

With creative mechanics and blocky monsters, Cobblemon is one of the most innovative Pokemon mods for Minecraft. But when it comes to finding and catching Pokemon, things can get a bit complex. Unless you know where to look, some of them can be as rare as Netherite. That’s exactly what we are here to fix with the complete list of Pokemon in Cobblemon and their spawn locations. So, grab your Cobblemon Pokedex, and let’s dive in! 

List of Pokemon in Cobblemon (2024)

Our list includes all the 510 Pokemon that are a part of the Cobblemon mod for Minecraft. But, for the sake of simplicity, we are not including their visual variants and alternate colors. If you add them to the mix the list expands to around 550 creatures.

Where Do Pokemon Spawn in Cobblemon

Like existing mobs and animal mods in Minecraft, Pokemon spawn in various biomes in your game’s world. More often than not, these biomes relate to the type and abilities of the Pokemon that spawn in them. For example, the plant-type Pokemon Bulbasaur spawns in the jungles of Minecraft.

Not to forget, the Cobblemon mod also brings new biomes to the world of Minecraft. This means that you might have to explore thousands of blocks to find certain rare Pokemon. Fortunately, if you know how to get an Elytra in Minecraft, the journey will be easy.

List of Generation 1 Pokemon

The first-ever generation of Pokemon consists of classic monsters including Pikachu, Squirtle, and more. It came out with Game Boy games in the year 1996. Many classic fans who grew up with Pokemon are going to immediately recognize these creatures. 

  1. Bulbasaur: Jungle, Tropical Island
  2. Ivysaur: Jungle, Tropical Island
  3. Venusaur: Jungle, Tropical Island
  4. Charmander: Hills, Volcanic, Nether Basalt
  5. Charmeleon: Hills, Volcanic, Nether Basalt
  6. Charizard: Hills, Volcanic, Nether Basalt
  7. Squirtle: River
  8. Wartortle: River
  9. Blastoise: River
  10. Caterpie: Forest, Plains, Jungle, Tropical Island, Floral Meadow
  11. Metapod: Forest, Plains, Jungle, Tropical Island, Floral Meadow
  12. Butterfree: Temperate, Floral, Jungle, Tropical Island, Floral Meadow
  13. Weedle: Forest, Jungle, Bumblezone
  14. Kakuna: Forest, Jungle, Bumblezone
  15. Beedrill: Forest, Jungle, Bumblezone
  16. Pidgey: Temperate, Sky
  17. Pidgeotto: Temperate, Sky
  18. Pidgeot: Temperate, Sky
  19. Rattata: Grassland, Overworld, Spooky
  20. Raticate: Grassland, Overworld, Spooky
  21. Spearow: Badlands, Savanna, Sky
  22. Fearow: Badlands, Savanna, Sky
  23. Ekans: Arid, Nether Desert
  24. Arbok: Arid, Nether Desert
  25. Pikachu: Forest, Beach, Tropical Island
  26. Raichu: Forest, Beach, Tropical Island
  27. Sandshrew: Sandy
  28. Sandslash: Sandy
  29. Nidoran♀: Savanna
  30. Nidorina: Savanna
  31. Nidoqueen: Savanna
  32. Nidoran♂: Savanna
  33. Nidorino: Savanna
  34. Nidoking: Savanna
  35. Clefairy: Dripstone, Hills, Magical
  36. Clefable: Dripstone, Hills, Magical
  37. Vulpix: Forest, Taiga, Nether Forest, Snowy Forest, Nether Frozen
  38. Ninetales: Forest, Taiga, Nether Forest, Snowy Forest, Nether Frozen
  39. Jigglypuff: Floral, Plains
  40. Wigglytuff: Floral, Plains
  41. Zubat: Forest, Grassland, Hills, Jungle, Sky, Swamp, Overworld, Spooky
  42. Golbat: Forest, Grassland, Hills, Jungle, Sky, Swamp, Overworld, Spooky
  43. Oddish: Jungle, Temperate, Savanna, Tropical Island
  44. Gloom: Jungle, Temperate, Savanna, Tropical Island
  45. Vileplume: Jungle, Temperate, Savanna, Tropical Island
  46. Paras: Lush, Mushroom, Nether Fungus
  47. Parasect: Lush, Mushroom, Nether Fungus
  48. Venonat: Spooky, Swamp
  49. Venomoth: Spooky, Swamp
  50. Diglett: Overworld
  51. Dugtrio: Overworld
  52. Meowth: Overworld, Arid
  53. Persian: Overworld, Arid
  54. Psyduck: Freshwater
  55. Golduck: Freshwater
  56. Mankey: Hills, Jungle
  57. Primeape: Hills, Jungle
  58. Growlithe: Overworld
  59. Arcanine: Overworld
  60. Poliwag: Freshwater, Lush
  61. Poliwhirl: Freshwater, Lush
  62. Poliwrath: Freshwater, Lush
  63. Abra: Hills, Temperate, Magical, Overworld
  64. Kadabra: Hills, Temperate, Magical, Overworld
  65. Alakazam: Hills, Temperate, Magical, Overworld
  66. Machop: Hills
  67. Machoke: Hills
  68. Machamp: Hills
  69. Bellsprout: Jungle
  70. Weepinbell: Jungle
  71. Victreebel: Jungle
  72. Tentacool: Deep Ocean, Ocean
  73. Tentacruel: Deep Ocean, Ocean

Gen 1 (Part 2)

  1. Geodude: Mountain, Overworld
  2. Graveler: Mountain, Overworld
  3. Golem: Mountain, Overworld
  4. Ponyta: Grassland, Nether Overgrowth, Nether Wasteland, Floral
  5. Rapidash: Grassland, Nether Overgrowth, Nether Wasteland, Floral
  6. Slowpoke: Beach
  7. Slowbro: Beach
  8. Magnemite: Overworld
  9. Magneton: Overworld
  10. Farfetch'd: Overworld
  11. Doduo: Savanna
  12. Dodrio: Savanna
  13. Seel: Frozen Ocean
  14. Dewgong: Frozen Ocean
  15. Grimer: Swamp, Overworld, Nether Toxic
  16. Muk: Swamp, Overworld, Nether Toxic
  17. Shellder: Cold Ocean, Ocean
  18. Cloyster: Cold Ocean, Ocean
  19. Gastly: Deep Dark, Overworld, Spooky, Nether
  20. Haunter: Deep Dark, Overworld, Spooky, Nether
  21. Gengar: Deep Dark, Nether, Overworld, Spooky
  22. Onix: Overworld, Nether Basalt
  23. Drowzee: Overworld
  24. Hypno: Overworld
  25. Krabby: Coast
  26. Kingler: Coast
  27. Voltorb: Overworld
  28. Electrode: Overworld
  29. Exeggcute: Jungle, Beach, Tropical Island
  30. Exeggutor: Jungle, Beach, Tropical Island
  31. Cubone: Sandy
  32. Marowak: Sandy
  33. Hitmonlee: Hills
  34. Hitmonchan: Hills
  35. Lickitung: Grassland
  36. Koffing: Overworld, Nether Toxic
  37. Weezing: Overworld, Nether Toxic
  38. Rhyhorn: Savanna
  39. Rhydon: Savanna
  40. Chansey: Overworld
  41. Tangela: Jungle
  42. Kangaskhan: Savanna
  43. Horsea: Lukewarm Ocean, Warm Ocean
  44. Seadra: Lukewarm Ocean, Warm Ocean
  45. Goldeen: River
  46. Seaking: River
  47. Staryu: Coast, Ocean
  48. Starmie: Coast, Ocean
  49. Mr. Mime: Overworld
  50. Scyther: Forest, Jungle
  51. Jynx: Freezing
  52. Electabuzz: Hills, Plains
  53. Magmar: Hills, Volcanic, Nether Basalt, Nether Wasteland
  54. Pinsir: Jungle, Tropical Island
  55. Tauros: Grassland
  56. Magikarp: Freshwater, Ocean
  57. Gyarados: Freshwater, Ocean
  58. Lapras: Frozen Ocean, Ocean
  59. Ditto: Overworld
  60. Eevee: Overworld, Temperate
  61. Vaporeon: Freshwater, Overworld
  62. Jolteon: Grassland, Overworld
  63. Flareon: Sandy, Overworld
  64. Porygon: Overworld
  65. Omanyte: Lush, Lush
  66. Omastar: Lush, Lush
  67. Kabuto: Lush, Lush
  68. Kabutops: Lush, Lush
  69. Aerodactyl: Lush
  70. Snorlax: Forest, Hills
  71. Dratini: Overworld, Overworld, Ocean
  72. Dragonair: Overworld, Overworld, Ocean
  73. Dragonite: Overworld, Ocean, Sky

Generation 2 Pokemon with Biomes

Pokemon's second generation consists of a variety of new monsters and even variants of core creatures. It came out in 1999 alongside the iconic Johto region.

  1. Chikorita: Floral, Floral Meadow
  2. Bayleef: Floral, Floral Meadow
  3. Meganium: Floral, Floral Meadow
  4. Cyndaquil: Temperate
  5. Quilava: Temperate
  6. Typlosion: Temperate
  7. Totodile: Swamp
  8. Croconaw: Swamp
  9. Feraligatr: Swamp
  10. Hoothoot: Forest, Sky, Spooky
  11. Noctowl: Forest, Sky, Spooky
  12. Spinarak: Forest, Jungle, Spooky, Overworld, Infested Caves
  13. Ariados: Forest, Jungle, Spooky, Overworld, Infested Caves
  14. Crobat: Forest, Grassland, Hills, Jungle, Sky, Swamp, Overworld, Spooky
  15. Chinchou: Deep Ocean
  16. Lanturn: Deep Ocean
  17. Pichu: Forest
  18. Cleffa: Dripstone, Hills, Magical
  19. Igglybuff: Floral, Plains
  20. Natu: Badlands, Plateau, Overworld
  21. Xatu: Badlands, Plateau, Overworld
  22. Mareep: Highlands, Plains
  23. Flaaffy: Highlands, Plains
  24. Ampharos: Highlands, Plains
  25. Bellossom: Floral, Jungle, Savanna, Tropical Island
  26. Politoed: Freshwater, Lush
  27. Aipom: Jungle, Tropical Island
  28. Yanma: Freshwater, Lush, Bumblezone
  29. Wooper: Swamp, Lush, Overworld, Mangrove Swamp, Savanna
  30. Quagsire: Swamp, Lush, Overworld
  31. Espeon: Hills, Overworld
  32. Umbreon: Spooky, Overworld
  33. Murkrow: Spooky, Swamp, Taiga, Sky
  34. Slowking: Beach
  35. Misdreavus: Spooky, Swamp, Nether Warped
  36. Pineco: Taiga
  37. Forretress: Taiga, End
  38. Gligar: Badlands, Nether Mountain
  39. Steelix: Overworld, Nether Basalt
  40. Snubbull: Overworld
  41. Granbull: Overworld
  42. Scizor: Jungle
  43. Shuckle: Lush
  44. Sneasel: Taiga
  45. Teddiursa: Forest, Mountain, Taiga, Crystal Canyon, Floral Meadow
  46. Ursaring: Forest, Mountain, Taiga, Crystal Canyon, Floral Meadow
  47. Slugma: Nether Basalt, Nether Wasteland, Nether, Overworld, Volcanic
  48. Magcargo: Nether Basalt, Nether Wasteland, Nether, Overworld, Volcanic
  49. Swinub: Tundra
  50. Piloswine: Tundra
  51. Kingdra: Lukewarm Ocean, Warm Ocean
  52. Phanpy: Badlands, Savanna
  53. Donphan: Badlands, Savanna
  54. Porygon2: Overworld
  55. Stantler: Snowy Forest, Tundra
  56. Tyrogue: Hills
  57. Hitmontop: Hills
  58. Smoochum: Freezing
  59. Elekid: Hills, Plains
  60. Magby: Hills, Volcanic, Nether Basalt, Nether Wasteland
  61. Miltank: Grassland, Mushroom Fields
  62. Blissey: Overworld

Generation 3

If you grew up playing Minecraft then, chances are, generation 3 of Pokemon is going to be most familiar to you. Released in 2002, it includes modern classics like Mudkip as well as game changers like Metagross. 

  1. Treecko: Jungle,
  2. Grovyle: Jungle,
  3. Sceptile: Jungle,
  4. Torchic: Plains,
  5. Combusken: Plains,
  6. Blaziken: Plains,
  7. Mudkip: Swamp,
  8. Marshtomp: Swamp,
  9. Swampert: Swamp,
  10. Poochyena: Badlands, Savanna, Overworld,
  11. Mightyena: Badlands, Savanna, Overworld,
  12. Zigzagoon: Temperate,
  13. Linoone: Temperate,
  14. Lotad: Swamp,
  15. Lombre: Swamp,
  16. Ludicolo: Swamp,
  17. Seedot: Forest,
  18. Nuzleaf: Forest,
  19. Shiftry: Forest,
  20. Tailow: Sky, Temperate,
  21. Swellow: Sky, Temperate,
  22. Wingull: Coast, Tropical Island, Sky, Ocean,
  23. Pelipper: Coast, Tropical Island, Sky, Ocean,
  24. Ralts: Floral, Magical, Snowy Forest, Overworld,
  25. Kirlia: Floral, Magical, Snowy Forest, Overworld,
  26. Gardevoir: Floral, Magical, Snowy Forest, Overworld,
  27. Surskit: Freshwater, Bumblezone,
  28. Masquerain: Freshwater, Bumblezone,
  29. Shroomish: Forest, Mushroom,
  30. Breloom: Forest, Mushroom,
  31. Nincada: Forest, Jungle,
  32. Ninjask: Forest, Jungle,
  33. Shedinja: Forest, Jungle,
  34. Whismur: Deep Dark, Overworld,
  35. Loudred: Deep Dark, Overworld,
  36. Exploud: Deep Dark, Overworld,
  37. Nosepass: Overworld,
  38. Sableye: Overworld, Crystal Canyon,
  39. Mawile: Deep Dark, Overworld,
  40. Plusle: Plains,
  41. Minun: Plains,
  42. Volbeat: Freshwater, Floral Meadow, Bumblezone,
  43. Illumise: Freshwater, Floral Meadow, Bumblezone,
  44. Carvanha: Ocean,
  45. Sharpedo: Ocean,
  46. Wailmer: Deep Ocean,
  47. Wailord: Deep Ocean,
  48. Numel: Badlands, Volcanic, Nether Overgrowth, Nether Wasteland,
  49. Camerupt: Badlands, Volcanic, Nether Overgrowth, Nether Wasteland,
  50. Torkoal: Mountain, Thermal, Overworld, Nether Basalt,
  51. Cacnea: Sandy,
  52. Cacturne: Sandy,
  53. Barboach: Swamp,
  54. Whiscash: Swamp,
  55. Baltoy: Sandy, Overworld, Howling Constructs,
  56. Claydol: Sandy, Overworld, Howling Constructs,
  57. Duskull: Spooky, Deep Dark, Nether Soul Sand,
  58. Dusclops: Spooky, Deep Dark, Nether Soul Sand,
  59. Chimecho: Forest, Mountain, Spooky, Taiga, Magical,
  60. Clamperl: Deep Ocean, Warm Ocean,
  61. Huntail: Deep Ocean, Warm Ocean,
  62. Gorebyss: Deep Ocean, Warm Ocean,
  63. Relicanth: Deep Ocean, Ocean, Overworld,
  64. Luvdisc: Warm Ocean
  65. Beldum: Peak, Dripstone, End, Howling Constructs,
  66. Metang: Peak, Dripstone, End, Howling Constructs,
  67. Metagross: Peak, Dripstone, End, Howling Constructs

List of Generation 4 Pokemon in Cobblemon

Bringing Arceus, the Pokemon god to Cobblemon Minecraft, generation 4 is truly iconic. Plus, unlike most other generations, you can find all of its Pokemon without traveling to the Nether dimension

  1. Turtwig: Forest,
  2. Grotle: Forest,
  3. Torterra: Forest,
  4. Chimchar: Mountain, Nether Forest,
  5. Monferno: Mountain, Nether Forest,
  6. Infernape: Mountain, Nether Forest,
  7. Piplup: Frozen Ocean,
  8. Prinplup: Frozen Ocean,
  9. Empoleon: Frozen Ocean,
  10. Starly: Hills, Sky, Snowy Forest, Taiga,
  11. Staravia: Hills, Sky, Snowy Forest, Taiga,
  12. Staraptor: Hills, Sky, Snowy Forest, Taiga,
  13. Bidoof: Freshwater,
  14. Bibarel: Freshwater,
  15. Kricketot: Forest, Swamp,
  16. Kricketune: Forest, Swamp,
  17. Shinx: Desert, Savanna,
  18. Luxio: Desert, Savanna,
  19. Luxray: Desert, Savanna,
  20. Combee: Temperate, Bumblezone,
  21. Vespiquen: Temperate, Bumblezone,
  22. Pachirisu: Forest,
  23. Buizel: Freshwater,
  24. Floatzel: Freshwater,
  25. Ambipom: Jungle, Tropical Island,
  26. Buneary: Forest, Hills, Snowy Forest, Taiga,
  27. Lopunny: Forest, Hills, Snowy Forest, Taiga,
  28. Mismagius: Spooky, Swamp, Nether Warped,
  29. Honchkrow: Spooky, Swamp, Taiga, Sky,
  30. Chingling: Forest, Mountain, Spooky, Taiga, Magical,
  31. Mime Jr.: Overworld,
  32. Happiny: Overworld,
  33. Chatot: Jungle, Tropical Island, Sky,
  34. Spiritomb: Deep Dark, Overworld, Howling Constructs,
  35. Gible: Mountain, Overworld,
  36. Gabite: Mountain, Overworld,
  37. Garchomp: Mountain, Overworld,
  38. Munchlax: Forest, Hills,
  39. Riolu: Mountain,
  40. Lucario: Mountain,
  41. Weavile: Taiga,
  42. Magnezone: Overworld,
  43. Lickilicky: Grassland,
  44. Rhyperior: Hills,
  45. Tangrowth: Jungle,
  46. Electivire: Hills, Plains,
  47. Magmortar: Hills, Volcanic, Nether Basalt, Nether Wasteland,
  48. Yanmega: Freshwater, Lush,
  49. Leafeon: Forest, Jungle, Overworld,
  50. Glaceon: Freezing, Overworld,
  51. Gliscor: Badlands, Nether Mountain,
  52. Mamoswine: Tundra,
  53. Porygon-Z: Overworld,
  54. Gallade: Floral, Magical, Snowy Forest, Overworld,
  55. Probopass: Overworld,
  56. Dusknoir: Spooky, Deep Dark, Nether Soul Sand

Cobblemon Pokedex with Biomes

Now that you have the complete list of Pokemon in Cobblemon, it’s time to catch all of them. And there is no better way to begin than the Minecraft seeds with all biomes. You can use them to find most of these creatures right after spawning and exploring your surroundings. Plus, if you don’t have it already, you can use our guide to easily install Cobblemon in Minecraft. Alternatively, you can also go for the best Cobblemon servers to enjoy this mod with your friends. Having said that, which Pokemon are you most excited to meet in Cobblemon? Share your pick on our Discord server and discover what others are catching. 

Udayveer Singh

Udayveer Singh is a contributor to our news feed here at Servers-Minecraft and is passionate about all things Minecraft!