¡Vive la experiencia clásica de Pokémon en Minecraft! En Pixelmon, explora un vasto mundo lleno de criaturas Pokémon, captura, entrena y combate con tus favoritos. Nuestro servidor cuenta con gimnasios personalizados, donde podrás desafiar a líderes de gimnasio y demostrar tu habilidad como entrenador. Además, contamos con una Torre Pokémon, un lugar único para entrenar a tus Pokémon y subir de nivel, enfrentando poderosos entrenadores a medida que avanzas.
Para aquellos que buscan una experiencia más personalizada y auténtica, Cobblemon te ofrece la oportunidad de sumergirte en una aventura de Pokémon con una mecánica más cercana al mundo vanilla de Minecraft. Aquí, podrás disfrutar de la esencia de Pokémon con un enfoque más natural en el entorno del juego
Eventos y Más
En Rubychaos no solo entrenarás y pelearás, sino que también podrás participar en eventos especiales centrados en batallas Pokémon, competiciones y mucho más. ¡Demuestra que eres el mejor entrenador y conquista cada desafío!
Ya seas fanático de Pixelmon o Cobblemon, en Rubychaos te espera una aventura inolvidable. ¡Únete hoy y comienza tu camino para convertirte en el maestro Pokémon definitivo!
What is the server IP for Rubychaos?
The IP address for Rubychaos is play.rubychaos.com. You can use this IP Address to start playing on the Rubychaos Minecraft Server now. This is the most recent, accurate, and working IP Address you will find as of 2023.
How do I play on the Rubychaos Minecraft server?
Open the Minecraft launcher, next click the "Play" button, then select "Multiplayer" from the main menu.
Click the "Add Server" button to open the server information form then input the the IP Address play.rubychaos.com in the "Server Address" box then press click on "Done" button.
Once the connection to the server is verified by Mojang session servers and is available, the connection icon will turn green and you can click on the "Join Server" button to play on Rubychaos and experience their latest updates and gamemodes!
What Minecraft game version does Rubychaos server support?
Rubychaos supports Minecraft game version: 1.20, however keep in mind that many Minecraft servers allow players to use older or newer versions so please make sure to check Rubychaos Discord or Website for more information on version compatibility.
Where is the Rubychaos Minecraft Server being hosted?
The Rubychaos server is currently hosted in Spain and has a great connection as of the 08 of Nov at 02:20 EST, 2023.
What gamemodes can I play on the Rubychaos Minecraft Server?
You can play Survival, Pixelmon, Cobblemon, PvE, on the Rubychaos Minecraft Server. This gamemode list was updated by the server owner on the 08 of Nov at 02:20 EST, 2023
What is the Discord server for the Rubychaos Minecraft Server?
You can join the Discord server for Rubychaos by clicking on the following invite link: You can chat with other players, request support, and read about the latest updates in Rubychaos's Discord Server.
What is the website for the Rubychaos Minecraft Server?
The website link for the Rubychaos server is https://discord.rubychaos.com. On the website, you will find the forums, store, and news for the server.