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This server also has its own Player Market system, where players can buy, sell, and trade items with each other all while being able to buy and sell items from the server shop! Players can also set a warp at their custom shops!

OGCraft also has premium features such as Donator Ranks and Crates, but all of these are accessible without spending a penny. Since they use a time-based ranking system, eventually you can be on the same level as the highest Donator Rank without buying a single item!

One of the most unique features OGCraft brings to the Minecraftian scene is that they have several survival worlds, one with custom generation, and 2 resource worlds that reset every month to allow for more items and spawners… speaking of which…

Silk Touch Spawners? Oh heck yes. Any spawner, any location, any pickaxe with Silktouch. You see a spawner, and it is yours. Because of their welcoming community, anyone online with a Silktouch Pickaxe will come and help you pick up a spawner when you need, even if you misplace it!

One of the most welcoming things OGCraft brings to the table is that the staff members (including the Founders!) can all have jokes back and forth between players without any repercussions (whilst obviously abiding by the rules??). The staff are not all and mighty like other server’s, they are standard players who just have that ability to go the extra mile for the server.

What is the server IP for OGCraft?

The IP address for OGCraft is play.ogcraft.org. You can use this IP Address to start playing on the OGCraft Minecraft Server now. This is the most recent, accurate, and working IP Address you will find as of 2023.

How do I play on the OGCraft Minecraft server?

Open the Minecraft launcher, next click the "Play" button, then select "Multiplayer" from the main menu.

Click the "Add Server" button to open the server information form then input the the IP Address play.ogcraft.org in the "Server Address" box then press click on "Done" button.

Once the connection to the server is verified by Mojang session servers and is available, the connection icon will turn green and you can click on the "Join Server" button to play on OGCraft and experience their latest updates and gamemodes!

What Minecraft game version does OGCraft server support?

OGCraft supports Minecraft game version: 1.21, however keep in mind that many Minecraft servers allow players to use older or newer versions so please make sure to check OGCraft Discord or Website for more information on version compatibility.

Where is the OGCraft Minecraft Server being hosted?

The OGCraft server is currently hosted in United States and has a great connection as of the 26 of Mar at 08:20 EST, 2023.

What gamemodes can I play on the OGCraft Minecraft Server?

You can play Survival, SMP, Economy, PvE, Family Friendly, Bedrock, on the OGCraft Minecraft Server. This gamemode list was updated by the server owner on the 26 of Mar at 08:20 EST, 2023

What is the Discord server for the OGCraft Minecraft Server?

You can join the Discord server for OGCraft by clicking on the following invite link: You can chat with other players, request support, and read about the latest updates in OGCraft's Discord Server.

What is the website for the OGCraft Minecraft Server?

The website link for the OGCraft server is https://www.ogcraft.org/. On the website, you will find the forums, store, and news for the server.


IP: play.ogcraft.org
(5 / 5 stars)
Great mods, fun server.
(5 / 5 stars)
good server dsfiapwefbuèv
(5 / 5 stars)
gud serber
(5 / 5 stars)
i love this server, Tubby is very nice.
(5 / 5 stars)
kinda good i guess
(5 / 5 stars)
very friendly server would recommend
(5 / 5 stars)
it is a very nice server with good people and rarely any lag
(5 / 5 stars)
Love this sever
(5 / 5 stars)
Love the server
(5 / 5 stars)
very fun needs more people
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